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Okay so: the photo above is of my swollen knee and my $@@/$:&:! horse 😜
The reason for the knee issue is because little miss long face decided to stop at the last minute before a jump today and sent me flying. I landed on the poles... So um ouch...

So... Painkillers.

"You're so silly." Valkyrie Cain laughed like a mad person and clapped her hands together. Skulduggery was sitting next to her bed in the Medical Wing... And he sighed.

She had been impaled with a Cleaver's scythe on their most recent case and Synecdoche had said that the leaves wouldn't be enough for the pain. So she had given Valkyrie Diethyl Ether. The effects were.. Interesting.

Valkyrie laughed again and grinned up at him. Then she gasped.

"You're a skeleton! Someone help!"

"Valkyrie be quiet..." Skulduggery sighed. Tanith, who was also in the room, grinned.

"You talk! That's so cool..." She said dreamily, then snapped awake again. "You old bone bag."

Tanith sniggered, but stopped when Skulduggery turned towards her.

"It's not funny," he snapped.

"I'm funny!" Valkyrie giggled, then stopped. "Why is their an apple in my dressing gown?"

Tanith groaned. "You've been watching Doctor Who haven't you?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA YES!" Valkyrie squealed. "Skully have you seen it?"


"Don't you find me humerus?"

"Did you just..."

Valkyrie erupted into another fit of giggles. "Yes I did Sherlock Bones."

Skulduggery groaned. "Why?" He whispered.

Valkyrie laughed and then her eyes widened in horror.

"My thumb is gone!" She cried, examining her hand. "Where is it?!"

Tanith pursed her lips, and Skulduggery grabbed her hand. He pulled her fingers apart and Valkyrie squeaked.

"It's there," he said.

"Hehe thank you Skully."

"Don't mention it."

"Do you know that I have two Daddys?"

"You don't have two Daddys Valkyrie."

"Yes I do! Desmond and Fletcher."

Tanith covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes wide in shock. Skulduggery stood slowly.

"That boy, is going to die."

"No! You can't kill Fletcher!" Valkyrie yelled, then she stared at Skulduggery. "Did I give you a boner? Haha get it... Boner?!"

Tanith was on the ground laughing by now and Skulduggery was shocked into silence. Valkyrie giggled like a maniac.

"We need to give her these more often," Tanith wheezed.

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