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For the gorgeous Valkyrie_Cain22 who's birthday is today!! Love you Karma!

Karma Snow sighed. She had been waiting for someone to call for ages now. It was the 22nd October, her birthday, but no one had remembered. No one obviously cared. Not even Bella, her best friend, had remembered.

Bella had called her up that morning saying that something had come up and she was going out of town with Skulduggery. She hadn't told Karma what it was.

Not even Dexter, her boyfriend, had called. So, Karma spent her day alone, depressed and watching movies. That was until, her phone started to ring.

She snatched it up eagerly, hoping it was one of her friends.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Karma!" Bella's voice sounded panicked from the other end of the line.

"Bella? What's going on?"

"Please help!"

"Where are you?"

"My house!"

Karma was about to reply and then the line went dead. She looked at her phone and frowned. Then her eyes widened and she jumped up, grabbing her jacket from the hook as she sprinted out the door.


Bella Pleasant giggled as she hung up, not giving Karma a chance to reply. She looked around at everyone who had gathered at the Pleasant's house for Karma Snow's surprise party. Although, Karma was about to get a lot more than what she bargained for, and everyone was in on it....


Karma was freaking out now. What could have been happening? Bella had sounded so scared.

The thought made Karma fly faster, and she dropped to the ground gracefully as she reached the Pleasant's house. She heard a scream from inside and didn't waste any time. She busted the door open, and someone threw a bag over her head. She cried out and tried struggling but the person's grip was too strong.

Karma was dragged around and dumped on the ground. She quickly ripped the bag off her head to see a girl, with orange hair and red fiery eyes staring straight at her. She swallowed.

"Clarity." Her voice was barely a whisper.

The Goddess laughed loudly and stood up taller. She didn't have to try, she was already taller than Karma anyway.

"Bella says happy birthday," she smirked, before flames engulfed her body, and then Clarity was gone.


Good job, now let me back out.

Clarity laughed at the voice in her head.

As you wish Bella.

Thank you.

Don't mention it.

Clarity was pushed to the back of her mind and Bella Pleasant emerged, her hair turning back to its usual pitch black, and her eyes returning to brown.

Bella laughed to herself, remembering the look on Karma's face, and knowing that she was going to be killed when she got back.


Bella entered by flinging open the doors. Everyone else was still in hiding, not letting the blonde sorcerer know about the prank.

Karma Snow stood up from where she sat near the couch and ran towards her. Bella laughed as the blonde girl embraced her in a warm hug. When she pulled away, Karma slapped her across the face.

"Why did you do that Bella?!" She yelled.

Bella smiled. "Hehe, oops?"

Karma sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"

Bella laughed again. "Happy birthday Karma!"

Karma shook her head and hugged her friend again.

"Thank you Bells."

"Oh and Clarity says that your house is on fire."

Ahh the bond between friends 😉

Happy birthday gorgeous girl! I love you so much!!! 😘🎉😍💖❤️💀

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