Like Father Like Daughter...

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Bella Pleasant dodged an incoming kick and deflected it by pushing at the air. Her attacker went flying back and hit the far wall. But she didn't have time to rest, more were coming. She clicked her fingers and a spark ignited in her palm. The flames were beautiful. She shook herself. No, now was not the time to marvel over the fire. She cursed herself and started sprinting down the corridor.

Something smashed into her from the side, and she went tumbling sideways, her attacker rolling on top. Bella shoved the fire towards wherever she thought the face was. But she completely missed, and the flames dissipated. She pushed at the air and the person flew backwards. Bella quickly got to her feet, and took up a fighting stance as her attacker regained himself and they circled each other. Bella put on a cute smile, flashing her white teeth.

"Come and have a go," she teased. "If you think you're hard enough."

Man, a few fight lessons with Tanith Low and she was already picking up the torment lines. Her attacker snarled and launched himself at her. Bella clicked her fingers and the flames danced in her hand. She threw the fire and it hit the man in the face. He screeched and reeled backwards, giving Bella enough time to push at the air, sending him flying back, and his head cracked against the wall, and he crumpled. She sighed, and collected herself before she continued running down the corridor, on high alert for the slightest movement or sound.

She had almost reached the stairs when someone grabbed her from behind. Bella cried out and kicked, hitting the person in the shin. She heard a grunt of pain, and her attacker forced her to look around, gripping her shoulders.   She followed with a right hook that cracked into the persons jaw. Then she froze when she saw the face. The familiar face.

"Dad!" She cried, throwing herself into his arms. "I'm so sorry I thought you were one of them!"

"You hit hard," Skulduggery complained, rubbing his jaw.

"Oops, sorry," she said, breaking the hug. "Well, I did have a really good teacher," she winked at him.

"And who would that be I wonder?"

Bella grinned, then she looked around as she heard footsteps behind them.

"We have to get out of here," she said, urgency in her voice. Skulduggery nodded, his emerald eyes shining in the light.

"Follow me."


Bella and Skulduggery sneaked through the corridors, being careful not to draw too much attention to themselves. She heard footsteps directly behind her, and she pretended like she didn't know. Then she whirled around with fire in her hands, catching the enemy right in the face. He cried out and dropped his gun, and Bella sent a kick to his groin, and a left hook into his nose. He dropped, and she turned back to Skulduggery, a grin plastered on her face. But it faded quickly.

"Dad look out!" She yelled, and Skulduggery whirled, gun in hand.

"Move and I'll shoot," he threatened. The enemy stopped, and froze mid step. Bella stood at her father's side, and watched him intently. She spun as there were footsteps from behind them. Her eyes widened. At least a dozen more people were stalking them.

"Dad," she whispered. Skulduggery's gaze drifted to his daughter, but the gun didn't waver. "Behind us. There are more. A lot more."

Skulduggery turned slowly, and Bella kept an eye on the person behind him. That's when she saw them. And she knew that they would be saved. Valkyrie Cain and Sophie Pleasant. Her mum and older sister were here. Thank god.

Valkyrie Cain smiled and Sophie grinned. Bella didn't smile, she didn't want the man to know that there were people behind him. She saw Sophie get ready to push at the air and Valkyrie clicked her fingers and a spark ignited, then it grew.

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