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Inspired by the boys in my Maths class... Just wow...

Bella Pleasant sighed. Maths class was boring. Out of all the things he could've done, her father had sent her to a mortal school for the day. At first she had argued, but the Dead Girls thought that it would be 'fun.' So, along she'd went.

Now, they were sitting in Maths class, staring blankly at the whiteboard without one clue what to do. Bella leaned in and whispered in Kalani Nightfire's ear.

"Why did they have to bring the alphabet into this shit?"

Kalani giggled quietly, but the teacher still heard it. She cleared her throat.

"Miss Pleasant, I would appreciate it if you stopped talking. Don't make me move you again."

Bella scowled, but held her tongue. No use in arguing with this bitch. She'd already been made to move away from Karma and Xapphyr after she hadn't shut up.

Bella sighed again and picked up her pen. She had no idea how the bloody mortals did this five days a week. She looked up again when the boys in front of her began to whisper. She only heard snippets of the conversation.

"Weird... Goth... Hot... Sexy... Strange..."

Even from where she sat, Bella knew that they were talking about her. The boy in the middle seat turned around slightly, his blue eyes settling on her legs. She raised an eyebrow; and moved her hand ever so slightly, making the boy fly off his chair.

Kalani put her fist in her mouth to keep from laughing as the teacher looked up.

"Mr Riggs, what have I told you about rocking on your chair?"

The boy, Chad, Bella thought his name was, stood up and groaned.

"I did nothing miss."

"Rubbish! After school detention."

Bella and Kalani both spluttered into laughter, the other Dead Girls joining in from different places around the room.

"Would you like to join him?" The teacher threatened. Bella forced herself to stop laughing and to stare at her.

"No no... I'm all good thanks," she answered. The teacher nodded.

"That's what I thought."

She walked back to the front of the classroom and Bella leaned in to whisper in Kalani's ear again.

"I did nothing miss," she mocked.

One of Chad's friends, Jonathan, turned around in his seat and stared at them.

"What are you looking at?" Bella snapped.

"Nothing really," Jono replied. "It's just that you're too sassy for your own good."

Bella flicked her dark hair over her shoulder and opened her mouth to retort, then stopped. Jono smirked.

"That was pretty funny though..."

"What was?" Bella asked as Kalani grabbed her water bottle from the table.

"How Geometrophile fell off his chair."

Chad glared, but said nothing, whereas Bella just looked confused.


"A person who rapes shapes," Jono explained. At that moment, Kalani spat out the water she had been drinking and began to cough violently.

One of the pissy little girls, Madeline Love, glared at them.

"Do you people ever shut up?!" She snapped.

"No," Karma replied bluntly, and Xapphyr giggled as Bella patted Kalani on the back. When the girl had stopped coughing, the teacher glared.

"Miss Pleasant, what is the meaning of this?"

"I did nothing miss," Bella smirked, and a blush crept up on Chad's cheeks.

"Be quiet or I will send you up to the principle."

Bella pursed her lips to stop herself from replying as the teacher walked away. Madeline glared from the other side of the room, and Bella snickered at Kalani.

Jono turned back around and grinned at them.

"Geometrophile then hey?" Bella smiled. Jono nodded.

"Yep... And Pharoah's love to bury themselves in pyramids."

The sound that Bella made next wasn't human, and she covered her mouth as the teacher stalked up to her. Kalani sat up straighter.

"Miss Pleasant, you can see me after class."


Maths dragged on until there was a knock on the door. All the students looked up to see one of the office ladies standing there.

"Yes?" The teacher asked, standing up from her desk.

"I'm here for Isabella Pleasant, Xapphyr Bloome, Karma Snow, Aibhlinn Firinne, Blizzard Fernell, Kalani Nightfire and Ruby Bly."

Immediately, Bella was getting to her feet.

"Bye Geometrophile," she said, and Chad gave her a cheeky grin.

"I'll be burying myself in a pyramid tonight."

"Have fun with that," Bella replied, gathering up her things and hurrying out of the classroom with the other girls.

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