Lost Soul (Part 5)

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So guys I kinda ate three helpings of Christmas Pudding last night, and it had rum in it... Hehe

So I may have gotten a tiny bit high... And it gave me a food coma so I wasn't able to update... Hehe oops

The Dead Girls attacked, Ruby and Kalani going for Tate, and Aibhlinn and Blizzard smashing into the kitchen to take on Karma.

Ruby stopped short when she saw Valkyrie Cain, coughing and clutching her ribs on the floor, with Tate standing over her.

Kalani didn't hesitate, snarling and pouncing on Tate before he even had a chance to teleport. She touched his arm, and Tate screeched as the bones crumbled. He stumbled away, but Kalani kept going for him. She pressed her fingers to his opposite shoulder next, and the arm that was holding his broken one, fell uselessly to his side. He cried out in pain and frustration and was about to teleport, when Kalani touched her fingertips to his head. Ruby stared in horror as Tate's skull caved in on itself, and the Teleporter fell to the floor, dead.

Kalani breathed heavily, staring at the body of the boy she thought she knew.

"Well," she said, turning to Ruby. "That was surprisingly easy."


In the kitchen, Aibhlinn and Blizzard, along with Sophie, were taking down Karma without much trouble at all. Once in a while the blonde sorcerer would send a punch or a kick their way, and at one point she even flew into the air and hit Blizzard with some energy. Other than that, it was three against one, and Karma didn't stand a chance. Sophie pushed at the air, knocking Karma backwards a few steps, and Aibhlinn pulled out one of her knives from her belt, launching it until it came to a stop...

Right in Karma Snow's back. She gasped, stopped fighting the Dead Girls, and dropped to the floor. The whole house was silent now, and Aibhlinn walked over to Karma, who was still alive, barely.

"How does it feel?" She asked, wrenching the knife out of the blonde girl's back. Karma moaned. Aibhlinn spat on her. "Go to hell."

She walked back over to where the other girls were waiting, and they were soon joined by Valkyrie, Ruby and Kalani. They all stared at the bodies of Tate Carnage and Karma Snow. The Dead Girls, had lost one member... And that brought back the truth... The one thing that fighting had made them forget...

Blizzard gasped. "Bella!"

Nothing more needed to be said, and they were all racing out the front door, Valkyrie and Sophie following, but really confused.

Aibhlinn stopped when she reached the steps.

"Houston, we have a problem!" She cried, turning to face the others. "We don't have a car! Skulduggery dropped us off remember?"

Valkyrie smirked. "Have you forgotten about the Oompa Loompa?"

The faces of the Dead Girls lit up, and they all ran around to the garage, where Valkyrie's car was parked. They all climbed inside; and Blizzard sat on Kalani's lap because there wasn't enough room. The girls all laughed and Valkyrie pulled out onto the road, driving towards the Sanctuary.

"So," she said. "Are you girls going to tell Sophie and I what this is about?"

Blizzard gulped. "Well..."


"Bella, open your eyes."

Bella Pleasant's eyes fluttered open, and she squinted against the light. Eventually her eyes adjusted, and she looked around the room. She smiled when she saw all the Dead Girls, her mum, and Sophie standing around her. Then she frowned. Where was Skulduggery? Karma? Tate? Where were they?

"How are you feeling?" Blizzard asked, noticing the look on her friend's face, but not pressing into it.

"Fine..." Bella replied, drifting off. She still looked around.

"Where's my dad?"

"Right here," Skulduggery replied, and Ruby and Aibhlinn stepped away from each other to reveal him leaning against the door frame, his arms folded. Bella smiled, and this made everyone else in the room smile too.

"Bella," Valkyrie said, sitting down on the side of her daughter's bed. She'd obviously had her broken ribs healed too... "Blizzard told us everything. I'm so sorry about Karma and Tate..."

The truth hit Bella like a train, and the memories came flooding back to her. The two people whom she had loved most in the whole world, were gone. They had betrayed her. What was she supposed to do now?

Tears formed in her brown eyes, and rolled down her pale cheeks. One by one, the Dead Girls all hugged her. By the end of it she was laughing, and she knew exactly what she had to do.

She was Isabella fucking Tanith Pleasant, and she was a Dead Girl. She was going to fight. She was going to keep fighting, and being a badass with the girls. She would survive without Karma and Tate. She would keep training under the influence of her father, and she would continue to tell people that the sparrow flies south for winter.
And she wasn't going to stop, until the day she finally died...

Awww it's finished 😢
I hope you guys enjoyed reading that as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Bella out ✌🏻️

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