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"Tanith?" Valkyrie asked cautiously as she stepped into the house. All she could hear was giggling. She closed the door with a soft click. "Tan? Where are you? I got your text!"

No response, only more giggling. Valkyrie followed the sound, starting to get slightly worried now.

"Tanith? You're really freaking me out now."

She saw the flash of Tanith's sword and sighed, coming to a stop. Her dark eyes scanned over the interior of the house. Tanith's text had said that she wanted to show Valkyrie something, and now here Valkyrie was... with a seemingly crazed Tanith.

"I'm here, what did you want to show me?" She called, walking further on down the hallway.

Tanith suddenly leapt out from around the corner, her sword held securely in a two-handed grip. She was laughing.

Valkyrie raised an eyebrow. "You want to show me your sword...?"

"Nope!" Tanith grinned. "I finally figured out what I'm going to name her."

"Oh goodie. What?"

"Tinkledeath!" She laughed.

Valkyrie stared. "Tinkledeath? Like, as in, pee?"

"No," Tanith frowned. "Tinkle, because she twinkles in the light, and Death because she kills people."

"Then why not call her Twinkledeath instead?"

The blonde swordswoman's frown deepened. "But Tinkledeath sounds better..."

"People will laugh at it!"

"Then they'll die laughing, that's the whole point!"

"Wouldn't you rather them die screaming?"

"But that hurts my ears," Tanith whined.

Valkyrie sighed softly, shaking her head. "Why am I friends with you?"

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