Case Of The Flying Phone

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"What do you mean you aren't coming with me?!" Valkyrie screamed. Skulduggery didn't look back at her.

"You want this, you have to do it yourself."

"But Skulduggery you have to come!"

"No I don't."

"But you never leave me to go on cases alone."

"What are you talking about Valkyrie? This isn't a case..."

"Yes it bloody well is!"

"Now you're just being silly."

She stopped, and anger consumed her. She pushed at the air furiously and sent Skulduggery hurtling into the wall. He turned around and stared at her.

"What was that for?"

"For what you just said! Now get in the car and come with me before I make you!"

She started pushing him out the door, ignoring his protests.

"Shut up its for my wellbeing," she snarled.

He spun when they were outside and took her by surprise. She yelped and tried to twist out of his grip, but he was too strong and too fast. She struggled but he didn't let go of her wrists. She sagged and sighed.

"Fine, you got me. Now what?"

"Now," he said, leading her back inside and making her sit on the couch. He grabbed the phone from its cradle and held it out for her. She looked at it and leaned away. "You're going to make the phone call."

Her eyes widened. "Are you flipping crazy?!"

"I hope not."

"Skulduggery I'm not doing it!"

"You have to."

"No I don't! You do it for me!"

"I'm not the one who wants food."

She glared daggers at him. She whacked the phone from his hand and sent it smacking against the fall wall. The impact was so hard that it left a gaping hole in the plaster. Skulduggery looked from the wall to Valkyrie and shook his head sadly.

"Was that really necessary?"

"Yes it was."

"You broke the wall."

"The wall deserved it."

"How did the wall deserve..."


The skeleton stopped talking. For once. Valkyrie was actually surprised.

"Now, I need to fish the phone out of the wall, and you are going to call the pizza company for me. Got that?"

"Where's the real Valkyrie?"

Valkyrie scowled. "Can you just call them please?"

He sighed. "Fine, but only this once."

"Yay!!" Valkyrie exclaimed, jumping up from the couch and fishing the phone out of the broken wall. Skulduggery would get that fixed later... She actually found it amusing that his far wall now had a massive hole in it.

She tossed the phone back to him and he caught it with one hand. She glared.

"Show off," she muttered.

Skulduggery just shrugged and called the pizza place.

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