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Warning: Drugs, drugs and more drugs ;)

Valkyrie Cain sat on the bench, her dark hair falling down over her shoulders. She felt numb as she stared into the darkness that overwhelmed her. Since when had she succumbed to people kidnapping her and pumping her up on drugs? Since never. What Valkyrie didn't realise, was that Skulduggery was watching from the monitor, from the Irish Sanctuary.

She had no idea where the hell she was, but she didn't have any idea about anything at the moment, everything was too foggy. All she knew was that with the Skype thing going on between two laptops, they would be able to track her location. Stupid idiot of a person whoever had come up with that idea. They must've had a death wish...

Valkyrie couldn't remember exactly who had snatched her, but she barely remembered her own name. Stupid bloody pills.

She could faintly hear the sounds coming from the laptop that had been placed on the bench in front of where she sat. She thought she heard Skulduggery's voice, but she couldn't be too sure. After all, there could've been an elephant smashing everything to bits and she wouldn't notice it. She wanted to close her eyes and sleep for a few minutes at least, but she wasn't that stupid. She knew if she fell asleep now she probably wouldn't wake up...

Valkyrie barely heard the door to the room open. Footsteps echoed in the darkness, and she didn't even turn her head to look at whoever was there. She heard a voice, and even though drugs were pulsing through her system, she recognised it.


At that moment she should've run, screamed, fought back. But all she did was sit there with her legs crossed and a blank expression on her face.

She could make out the words that he was saying, but only just.

"Look at your little partner now Detective," she heard him sneer. "I could kill her right now and you wouldn't be able to stop me."

For a moment there was silence, even Valkyrie knew that Skulduggery wouldn't be game enough to test Dusk at this point in time. She heard Dusk continue talking when Skulduggery didn't answer him.

"You know, it's funny how much effect these little pills have on a person..."

Valkyrie heard the sound of a bottle opening, and Dusk shook it, the pills rattling inside.

"Why don't I give our good little friend Valkyrie here some more of them?"

"Don't you dare."

Now Valkyrie could hear Skulduggery's voice, it brought her back to reality a little bit. She managed to look up, and saw him standing, watching her in the Skype window. She blinked a couple of times as her vision cleared, and she gave him a weak smile. The moment was interrupted however, by the sound of Dusk's laugh.

"What's stopping me Detective?"

"The Cleavers who I've just sent your way. We tracked your location asshole."

Dusk laughed again, and it made Valkyrie shiver. It was a sound, almost between a croak and a bark, it definitely wasn't human...

"It'll take them a while to get here though won't it Pleasant? Plenty of time for Miss Cain to take a nap."

"Touch her and I'll make your death go on for days."

Dusk didn't reply, he just walked over to Valkyrie, who was still in dreamland, although she could make out every word that was said now. The pills were wearing off, slowly, but surely.

Valkyrie couldn't fight back, she was too weak. The pills had done some damage already, it didn't take a genius to work that out... And now Dusk was going to give her more of them, Valkyrie knew she probably wouldn't make it, as bad as that sounded.

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