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If I showed you my tear drops, would you collect them like rain?
Store them in jars that are labelled with 'pain'.
Would you follow their tracks from my eyes down my cheeks, as they tell all the stories I'm too scared to speak?Would you stop them with kisses, bring their flow to a halt, as you teach me that pain isn't always my fault?Would you hold my face gently as you dry both my eyes,
And whisper the words, "you're too precious to cry."
If I showed you my teardrops would you show me your own?

And learn though we're lonely, we're never alone.

I miss you,


One last tear fell to the page, and Valkyrie Cain stood up from her seat, her face wet and her heart shattered. Skulduggery was gone. Not just gone, but literally gone. Forever, for good now. And it hurt, a lot more than she thought it would.

The last few days she'd shut herself away from everyone, from the world. She just couldn't deal with seeing her friends and knowing that her eyes were dull and her face was expressionless. She was causing them pain too, by looking like she'd just been pulled from her grave.

She didn't want to commit suicide though. That was something that sounded too selfish in her mind. Way too selfish. It would be awful to just leave everyone behind. Her friends, her parents, little Alice. Suicide didn't take the pain away, it gave it to someone else. That little quote, was the only thing keeping Valkyrie going.

She stared out the window, lost in her thoughts. Thoughts of him, and how it could've been. A stray tear rolled down her cheek, and she watched motionless as the clouds slowly moved across the sky. Ireland was almost always dull, and it matched her mood.

Valkyrie sighed and closed the window as a few droplets of rain started to spit on the sill. She went to walk away and stopped. Her eyes widened, and her heart started beating faster. She suddenly felt weak with relief. Standing across the road from her house, was Skulduggery, leaning against the Bentley, looking at her. Valkyrie cried out and yanked open the window, jumping through and using the air to slow her descent. When she landed, she sprinted across the road, not even bothering to look for traffic. Tears blinded her vision as she ran through the pouring rain and then she threw herself into Skulduggery's arms. She sobbed into his jacket and he held her tight. For a moment, everything was perfect. Then there was a light...


Valkyrie woke up suddenly, her face wet with tears. It was a fucking dream, she thought to herself. More tears started rolling. Skulduggery wasn't even there.

Isn't it weird how some memories can sneak out of your eyes and roll down your cheeks?

She clutched the covers close, sobbing violently. She could still feel his arms around her, feel how her heart skipped a beat when he looked at her, and when he spoke with that velvet voice of his.

God, she missed him. So much.

She punched the bed in anger and frustration and screamed through clenched teeth. She would give anything to hug him. Anything to be with him again.

When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure...

Valkyrie cried the last of her tears, until she could cry no more. Then she stared out the window up at the stars. Lately the window had become her best friend. Well, the love of her life was never coming back, no matter how hard she wished, no matter how much she dreamed, it was never going to happen. Because life isn't fair. And that window was her way of escape. An escape into her mind where she could get lost in her thoughts.

In my heart there's a memory and there you'll always be.

She tried counting the stars, got to 178 and gave up. That was the thing, she could never finish counting once she'd started.

A million feelings
A thousand thoughts
A hundred memories
One person

Valkyrie watched as her tears fell into the covers, staining them. She let her dark hair fall over her face and let the silent crying go on. She didn't try to stop it, she just went along with it. And her teardrops continued to fall.

If I showed you my tear drops, would you collect them like rain?
Store them in jars that are labelled with 'pain'.
Would you follow their tracks from my eyes down my cheeks, as they tell all the stories I'm too scared to speak?Would you stop them with kisses, bring their flow to a halt, as you teach me that pain isn't always my fault?Would you hold my face gently as you dry both my eyes,
And whisper the words, "you're too precious to cry."
If I showed you my teardrops would you show me your own?

And learn though we're lonely, we're never alone.

Guys I do not own any of the quotes that are in italics.

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