Baby Don't Cut (Songfic)

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Guys!!!!! This is my first song fic ever!!!! Yay!!!! The song is 'Baby Don't Cut' by Bmike. If you haven't heard the song before I suggest listening to it from the video attached. Enjoy.

Bella Pleasant sat on her bed, staring at the wall. Every day, was a nightmare. Everyday, things got harder. Her life was a living hell. Her self esteem was at 1% and she was on the verge of giving up. But there were two things that had kept her going.
Karma Snow, and her boyfriend, Tate Carnage.
The only two people in the whole world who she could talk to. She couldn't tell Valkyrie or Skulduggery, or Sophie for that matter. She knew that her sister would only get upset and wouldn't be able to stop herself from telling their parents.

Bella perked up when the door to her bedroom was opened, and Valkyrie poked her head through.

"Tate's here," she said. "You're lucky your father didn't kill him when he walked in the door."

Bella forced a smile, but it was fake. "Dads these days," she muttered.

Valkyrie nodded. It hurt that she thought that Bella was a happy seventeen year old girl. Not understanding what really went on everyday.

"Anyway, I'll leave you two alone," Valkyrie said before walking back downstairs. Bella saw Tate smile at her and she kept up the act, but he knew. He sighed, and sat next to her on the bed, kissing her forehead as he did so.

"Your dad wasn't too happy to see me you know," Tate said.

Bella rolled her eyes. "He's like that."

"He actually scares me."

She managed a small laugh. "He scares you?"

Tate cringed and nodded. "Yeah, he does."

"Wow. I didn't know that."

"Well," Tate said, leaning closer and pulling her towards him. "Now you do."

Bella winced as he grabbed her wrists. Tate frowned and she tried to cover it up with a smile, but he'd already seen it.

"Roll up your sleeves," he said.

Bella pulled away and held her arms close to her body.

"I don't want to."


"I'm cold."

"It's 29 degrees outside!"


Tate grabbed her wrists again and Bella cried out. Tate looked concerned and he pulled back both her sleeves. The black haired girl turned her head away in shame. She heard Tate sigh, and his shoulders sagged. There were scars all the way down both her arms.

"Bella why? I keep telling you that every night will bring a better day! Do you ever listen to me?"

"I'm sorry."

Tate sighed and shuffled away from her on the bed.

"Tate I..."


"I... I overdosed."

Tate's eyes shot towards her. "YOU DID WHAT?!"

"Shhhh! It didn't work anyway."

"Bella don't ever do that again! Please!"

"I'm sorry."

"Why? Why did you do that?"

"Because this way I have control over what I feel inside."

"How long has it been since you've felt this way Bells? You've got me here now I feel so damn helpless!"

"It's been a while, I guess I needed better luck."

Then he started yelling.

Bella couldn't say anything. It felt like the road had ended right there. It felt like the blade was her only friend.

"I promise," she said, and then they kissed.


The next morning she woke up to feel a lot better than what she had the night before. Her conversation with Tate had encouraged her to fight. And fight she would.

Once she was dressed and her black hair was brushed, Bella made her way downstairs. Hmm, that was weird. No one was home. Maybe Skulduggery and Valkyrie had already left for the Sanctuary? But where was Sophie? Probably out Monster Hunting with Gracious and Donegan again. She shrugged and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the bench. It slipped through her fingers and hit the ground. Then it felt like the whole world was laughing at her at that moment. She broke down, fell to her knees and started sobbing. She couldn't take it anymore!

She grabbed her phone out of her back pocket and sent Tate a quick text.

I love you with my body, heart and soul to death.


Then she headed to the bathroom.


Tate's phone beeped as he walked down the street. He pulled it out and immediately a smile rose on his features. It was from Bella.

I love you with my body, heart and soul to death.


He typed back,

I love you.

Then he put his phone away. By death he didn't know that she had literally just meant it.


Bella thought to herself. She wouldn't really break her promise that soon would she? WHO GIVES A FUCK?!

She grabbed the razor and flicked off the safety cap.

One cut, two cuts, three cuts, four...

She noticed how the blood started dripping from the tub onto the floor.


Tate had a bad feeling in his stomach that he hated. So he followed it, and ran all the way to Bella's house. He could see that the front door was open, and he raced inside, heard the water running. His heart was beating loudly in his chest, and he sprinted up the stairs. Then he stormed into the bathroom, and stopped. His beautiful girl was lying on the floor of the bathroom, and there was blood everywhere. It looked like something out of a murder scene. He rushed to her side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"BELLA!" He yelled, shaking her. "COME ON! BELLA!"

He laid her gently beside the bathtub. It felt like his whole world had just been destroyed by an avalanche. He felt angry, who had led her on to this? Surely it hadn't been him or Karma! Why the hell hadn't she stopped? Tears were rolling down his cheeks now and Bella's eyes were blank, staring at nothing. Tate collapsed onto the hard tiles and sobbed violently. His whole world, his OWN GIRL, just took a crashing. It must have been his fault, but she had promised him that she wouldn't cut. SHE HAD MADE A PROMISE AND SHE HAD BROKEN IT!

Tate cried into his hands for hours before he finally managed to pull himself together. He took one last look at his beautiful Bella, and took out his phone to call Skulduggery.

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