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~~~ Marshall's POV ~~~

I stopped thinking, I fell on my knees. She was pregnant? A tear came out of the corner of my eye, I wiped it quickly away.

"Is she awake?" I asked and looked up at the lady again. She smiled and nodded. I walked to the bedroom and leaned against the doorframe. She sat speechless on the bed, when I came in, a tear fell from the corner of her eye and one smile spread beyond her mouth. She waved me towards for her and I sat down.

"I'm pregnant! Oh my God!" I looked at her and smiled, but why did she faint? I looked into her eyes, this hadn't happened when Kim was pregnant with Haillie? I kissed her quickly on the cheek and asked the doctor to come with me out to talk. He was obviously a fan since he was unable to say a damn word or get something out of his mouth. I looked seriously at him.

"It's not good that she passed out, I know that ..." He was serious and took out a binder and a pen and began to write something down.

"Has she been drinking the past weeks?" He asked, looking up at me. I thought about it and immidiatly felt scared for both Jessica and the baby.

"Yeah, we have been drinking wine almost every evening ... Is the baby okay?" I pulled my hair.

"We don't know, but the fact that she passed out and has been drinking the past weeks, I doubt it ..." He put the notes back into the bag and walked out to the ambulance to get a bed. He rolled it out and went to the bedroom.

~~~ Jessica's POV ~~~

I knew something was wrong, I had been drinking and passed out ... A man came in with a hospital bed and I was helped into it. They rolled me out quickly in to the living room and past Marshall. He was crying ...

"What's happening? Why are you crying? Marshall?" I was upset and touched my stomach, it felt cold and lifeless ... No, the baby couldn't be gone! Marshall ran beside me and sat down beside the bed in the car. He grabbed my hand and supported his chin with the other.

"Marshall? What is it?" I felt the tears flow. He met my gaze, he looked ... scared, helpless ...

"The baby may be...." He couldn't even finish the sentence before he burst into tears, but he didn't have to either, I understood it more than good enough ... We weren't going to be parents ...

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