Truth or Dare?

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It had been a month since the accident and tomorrow I was gonna go back to the hospital to remove the cast. I  was gonna be there 09:00am on Saturday! Yes, a fucking Saturday!

"ON A SATURDAY ?!"  Marshall yelled and looked at me like I was crazy, I nodded.

"Yeah, you've got to drive ..." I said, he got a twitch in his left eye and stared at the ceiling.

"Yeah, cause I would let you drive with that ..." he said and pointed to the plaster around my leg and arm. He looked at me with raised eyebrows, I laughed at his expression. He fell down on the couch and met my gaze. I rolled over to the couch and stroked his cheek.

"You need to go to bed early today ..." I said softly and kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me with a quizzical expression.

"Or else..?" He smiled. I shook my head and thought.

"Or else ... I'll wake you tomorrow by pouring ice-cold water on you!" I said, pointing at him.

"You wouldn't dare..." he said, trying to see through me, I just smiled and looked around the room innocently.

"If I did?" I met his gaze again smiling.

"I'd get pissed? I'd fucking kill you!" He was still smiling, but my smile faded of what he|d just said.

"Really?" I asked gently in a low tone.

"I wouldn't kill you, but everyone would get pissed if someone poured ice cold water on you while sleeping..."

"True ... Okay, how about this. You go to bed wheneever you wanna and if I have to wake you I'll ..." I thought of some weaknesses that I knew of at Marshall, but I didn't come up with anyone right now. "I'll get Haillie and we'll scream as loud as we possibly can until wake up! Deal?" I gave him my hand and he took it reluctantly.

"Okay, when do I have to wake up?" He asked and took out his phone.

"7: 00 am." He almost lost his phone and looked at me with a frightened look.

"7: 00 am?! Are you fuckin' nuts ?!" He cried and looked astonished at me.

"Hell yeah, I am..." I smiled and laughed a short laugh.

"Why so damn early ?!"

"So we have plenty of time to eat breakfast and wake up before we go?"

"Wake up before we go? I WON'T WAKE UP !!"

"Yes you will, Haillie and I'll take care of that..." He scrathed his forehead with a groan and set the alarm on his phone at 7:00 am.

~~~ Marshall's POV ~~~

When Haillie came home from school Jessica told her about the bet we'd agreed on and of course Haillie agreed on being my alarm, as they called it. I would rather call it 'give-Eminem-a-fucking-heartattack' ...

Haillie was smart and went to bed at 9 so  she could join Jessica the morning, I was just about to go to bed when Jessica took my hand and pulled me down on the couch again.

"You know, I wanna play a game ..." She said with a smile.

"What kind of game?" I asked.

"Truth or dare. Please?" She looked pleadingly at me. ...Damn my softness at this point, I can't say no to that face!

"Aigh't, but not for long!" I agreed.

"YAY! Me first ... Truth or dare?


"Okay, have you ever loved someone without them knowing?"

"Well, yeah... In first grade?" I smiled at the question and looked at her expectantly. "Truth or dare?"


"Who took your virginity?" I smiled teasingly, she got bright red in seconds.

"Dare! Dare!"

"Okay, I dare you to anwser the question?"

"Damn, didn't think of that. Okay ... Uhm ... You took my virginity ... Truth or dare?" WAIT WHAAAT!?

"Wait, what ?! I took your virginity? Siriously?" She nodded. "Cool..." I said, she looked strange at me.

"Cool? No questions?" I shook my head.

"I know how awkward those questions are, I won't put you through the same." I smiled at her.

"Wow ..." She said and thought for a while before she came back into the game. "Truth Or Dare?"

"Dare." I said, she smiled viciously at me.

"I dare you to take off a clothing."

"Thought it was gonna be bad ..." I stood up and pulled off my pants, she burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked, throwing my pants at her with a grin.

"I thought you were gonna take off you caps or shoes ... Not your pants! Haha!"I sat down in the couch again.

"Truth or Dare?"


"Now, I dare you to take off a clothing." She laughed and pulled off her sweater so she was just in a bra. I couldn't contain myself and had to give a few glances.

"Truth or Dare?"

"This is how strip poker was invented..." I said, pointing at her. She laughed again.

"Truth or Dare?" She asked again.

"Truth." I said.

"What would you do if I told you to kiss me..?"

"Fuckin' do it??" I leaned forward and kissed her. I pulled myself away, but she pulled me back into the kiss. We got wilder and wilder and in the kiss, she said:

"Best truth or dare ever ..." 

I couldn't agreed more...

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