The fight

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~~~ Marshall's POV ~~~

Jessica's brown eyes locked up with mine before everything went black, my whole body ached and became heavier and heavier. I fought a fierce battle inside me to not fall asleep, I heard doctors scream and try to get my attention. I tried to open my eyes again and looked right at a doctor fixing with a blood bag. He saw that I had my eyes open and started talking to me.

"Mr. Mathers! Can you hear me?" I tried to mumble a reply, but I was too weak. I got out one groan before everything went black again. It felt as if I stood on a line between life and death, death came closer and closer and I could feel its soft, relaxing scope creep over me. It would have been so easy to just ... let go and fly into the heavens soft pleasures. Life played itself over again, from the first steps to the fragile teenage years, from booing to applause, Haillie and Kim ... Jessica showed. She laughed and smiled, she was so beautiful. I saw her answer yes to my proposal and us kissing.

"I love you."

I didn't fucking need more. I fought my way towards life, clung to the line desperatly. I was gonna survive, I would marry Jessica, I'd see Haillie again! I would hug Jessica, tell her I loved her and kiss her again... Life came closer and closer. I saw doctors who sewed again my torn back, doctors who fought for me.

I saw Jessica crying in the hallway, I suddenly felt stronger, my body had accepted the transfusion and was in contention. It was easier to fight for life and not fall back. Doctors smiled and one of them walked out of the room with a big smile.

"He's gonna make it! His body accepted the blood! He's getting stronger!"I heard doctors shout and then the fight was over, and I fucking won...

~~~ Jessica's POV ~~~

The nurse had explained what had happened, he'd tried to save a young woman from being possibly killed and perhaps sacrificed himself in the attempt. The young woman had called 911 and kept him alive, what if it hadn't been enough? Would he come back? A doctor came into the room.

"He's gonna make it!" He smiled at me and I jumped on him in joy, I got tears of joy in my eyes. He explained the situation closely and said how the operation had gone.

"It seemed dark, but he was defiantly fighting an inner battle, at first it seemed like he gave up, but something gave him a burst. As soon as his body accepted the blood his pulse and breathing got stronger and his face got more color. He's back was pretty torned up, but the doctors said that the scars probably will not be as visible as they are now in a couple of months." He smiled at me before he left the room, I couldn't stop smiling, I was so happy! 

It didn't take long before he was wheeled into the room I was in. He was still under anesthesia, the doctor said he probably would sleep at least for a few hours.

"Thank you so much!" I said crying and sat on the beside, I brought his hand up and held it in mine.

"Marshall?" I was still crying. "Baby, I love you so much, I'll be right by your side when you wake up..." I saw his left eye got the familiar twitch and his hand clasped around mine. I got butterflies in my stomach and tears flowed again. He looked so defenseless and small where he lay in bed.

I pulled the chair out toward me and sat on it and laid my head on his chest, his breathing was steady and his heartbeats was singing me to sleep.

* A few hours later *

I was awakened by someone playing with my hair and a low humming. I lifted up my head and met his perfect blue eyes, it was a few broken capillaries in his eyes that made the white more pink. I felt the tears flow again and wiped them with the sleeve of my sweater.

"Oh my god, Marshall... I was so scared that I'd lost you..."  He smiled and tried to turn around, but I pushed him gently back. "No sudden movements, the stitches might loosen up."I said sternly, he let out a long painful groan when he turned himself back gently. "Do you want me to call Kim so she can bring Haillie?" He shook his head carefully, if I knew him right he wouldn't want  Haillie to see him so helpless as he was now. I nodded understandable and met his gaze.

"Jessica?" He whispered bravely.

"Be carefull ..." I said.

"You ... Saved my life." He was clearly still drugged by the anesthetic. I didn't understand what he said and was about to ask when he explained as best he could. "If it wasn't for you .... I watched my life pass and saw ... You. If I hadn't seen you ..." Tears started to form in his eyes and he was about to continue when our lips met. His lips was weak and trembling, I warmed his with mine. I pulled myself gently back, now my tears was flowing.

"I'm just so happy that you made it ..." I sobbed and the kiss had appereantly done made him a bit stronger, he lifted his head and looked up at me.

"You know me, I'm a survivor..." He smiled with the warm smile that I knew so well, his eyes were still drugged by anesthetic and he fought to keep himself awake.

"Baby, sleep. I'll be here when you wake up ..." I said and smiled. He looked gratefully up at me and smiled before his eyes closed.

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