Why him?

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~~~ Marshall's POV ~~~

I walked out the door of her house, I was going to pick her up on Friday to help her move out of her flat. I took my hoodie over my head and jogged to the car parked in the garage. I sat in and started up the engine, I  ran out of the parking lot. 

It'd gotten pretty late and the moon lit up the neighborhood in Detroit. I loved this city, it wasn't much to brag about, but it was where I grew up and got started at my dream of becoming a rapper. I smiled to myself at the thought of all those who had been saying a bunch of bullshit, would have wanted to meet them now, world famous and a damn millionaire ... I laughed my egoistic thought and viewed the buildings that passed the car at high speed. I drove a long stretch when I in my peripheral vision caught a sight of four men stood around a blonde.

"Get the fuck away from me! Don't touch me!" She screamed when one of the men tugged her hair. 


Fuck it.

I did a real turn and drove straight at them and slammed on the brakes so I wouldn't hit them. They jumped away and cursed loudly. I stepped out of the car and led the girl into the car, but the men didn't give up that easily

"The hell you going?" Said one of them and took out a pocket knife from his back pocket, I closed the door and walked in front of the car. "Get the fuck out a my way, whitetrash!" He said, waving his knife at me.

"No... You get your ugly face out'a ma way, faggot!" I shouted back, we stood face to face when I felt someone grabbed me from behind. The girl screamed as they pushed me to the ground and started kicking and beating me. It fucking hurt, but I wouldn't fucking give up! I tried to lift myself up when I felt an indescribable pain moving down my back, I looked up at them and saw a bloody knife in his hand. My eyesight started to fail when I felt the knife dig through my back a second time. I screamed in pain and the men just laughed. I was dizzy and couldn't think clearly when the knife again penetrated my body, I howled with pain. Everything was foggy and I began to hear voices and not just any voices, it was Jessica's voice. I imagined her smile and laugh, but was interrupted by a big pain pierced through my back for the fourth time. I couldn't say anything, I groaned, everything was black and the last thing I remember was Jessica who said she loved me.

~~~ Jessica's POV ~~~

I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, I flipped through the channels when I came across a cartoon from when I was little. I laughed at my childishness and watched the cartoons until it finished.

I looked at the clock, 00:01 am... Marshall said he would call when he got home, he'd probably just fell asleep, he was very tired when he left. I looked at the ring, he actually proposed!

 I picked up my cell, maybe he had called without me noticing? No, nothing. I was getting worried, imagine if something had happened? I started getting pictures in my head, but blew them away quickly. Detroit was a sinister city at night, but he drove a car ...

I was just about to turn off the TV when my phone rang, I picked it up expectantly, maybe it was Marshall! 

No, I felt my mood went down and answered.

"Hello? This is Jessica Jackson?" I heard many people talking in the background and a woman crying.

"Hello?" I said again, a little louder.

"Sorry, is this Jessica Jackson?" Said a female voice.


"Are you mr. Mathers girlfriend?"

"Yeah, but I don't want---" She interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"No, Miss ... This is the hospital, I'm sorry to inform you that he was brutally attacked this evening, he is alive, but his status in critical ..." I felt my heart stop, thoughts that I had had earlier came back in my head. He'd been attacked, his condition was critical .... Tears started to form in my eyes.


"Which hospital? I wanna see him..."

"The main hospital in Detroit, Miss. But he's---"

"I'm coming right away!"

"Miss--" She didn't finish her sentence, I was in a shock, but ran into my room to get dressed. I just threw on some clothes that was lying around, took the purse and car keys and ran out. I locked the door and ran toward the car, tears flowed as I drove out of the garage and onto the main road. 

I'm sure I ran far over the speed limit because I came to the hospital very quickly. I ran towards the emergency room and parked the car at the entrance. I ran into the door and straight into a nurse.

"Miss, you're not allowed to be in here--"

"I don't give a fuck! My boyfriend is in there!!" I screamed.

"Jessica..? "A faint voice sounded from the hallway, it wasn't any doubt, it was Marhall. I looked around until my eyes fell on a familiar figure covered in blood and doctors who linked him up to machines that beeped hysterically.

"Marshall??" The nurses moved so I could go to him. I ran to his almost lifeless body and began to cry again. Nurses, doctors and even more doctors came and pushed me away, I just met his baby-blue eyes before they rolled back in his head and machines started beeping around him.

"What's going on? What happened !! ??" I branch and yelled simultaneously. A nurse came running to me and took my hand. I followed reluctantly, as I watched the bed with my nearly lifeless boyfriend being led into the operating room.

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