Space Bound

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I woke up once again alone in bed, but this time he'd left a note. A small yellow post-it note lay on top of folded clothes in the wheelchair. I smiled and sat up, took the note and clothes and sat in the wheelchair.

I read the note with a smile.

'Hey, baby ... Sorry, had to go to the studio, wish I could've stayed. Coming home for dinner, I'll make it, don't worry about it! Breakfast is ready in the kitchen, warm it in the microoven. Love you:]


I was still smiling when I put the note on the desk and began to dress myself. I sat in the chair and rolled myself out in the living room and saw that Haillie sat at the table and ate breakfast.

"Hey, Haillie." I said and smiled at her. She smiled back and quickly ate up the remains of her food.

"Hi! I'll warm the food for you, dad called." She laughed and got up from the table. I smiled and rolled over to the table. Haillie turned abruptly and ran to the bedroom to me and Marshall, we had bedrooms upstairs, but since I could only roll around, we slept in the guest room down here.

I looked after her as she came down with my phone, handing it towards me, I smiled and took phone. My ringtone was what it'd always been, 'Space Bound'. I pressed answer and took the phone to my ear.

"Heeeeeelloooo?" I said, I'd forgotten to check who it was before I answered.

"Jessica! Hey, baby!" My mood was immediately much better now that I spoke with Marshall and heard his voice. "I'm comin' home in the middle of the day, around 12." We're finishing the album, Dre said it wouldn't take long before we're done." He said eagerly.

"That's great! I won't be alone all day!" I said and smiled at Haillie who looked at me with smiling eyes.

"Has Haillie gone to school yet?" He asked seriously. I looked over at Haillie who quickly looked at the clock in shock.

"SHIT! I'm gonna be late!" She cried, and sent me one apologize glance, threw her schoolbag over her shoulder and ran out the door. Marshall obviously hadn't heard the door close, but heard what Haillie had said.

"Hey! No bad language!" He cried and I thought I heard Dre laughed in the background. I realized why he laughed, it was kinda ironic ... I even laughed. "SHUT UP, DRE!" He said, I laughed even more.

"No bad language? Be happy she only says shit ..."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You swear and call others things that would've been a lot worse than shit ... Remeber that." Silence, I felt a victory.

"I can accept shit ..." he said and started laughing as soon as he realized what he had said. Both laughed long, and when we finally hung up, the clock had gotten 10:36 am.

I ate breakfast and rolled myself over to my laptop. I turned it on and went on YouTube.

In the search field, I wrote: 

'Eminem Space Bound'

And watched the results scroll up, but I was only interested in the top one, music video. I pressed the link and turned up the volume. I was so carried away that I sang with him...

~~~ Marshall's POV ~~~

I opened the front door and heard loud music playing from the bedroom, I recognized the song immediately and let out a laugh. 

But something wasn't quite right? Wan't it just one girl who sang the chorus and not two? I walked quietly toward the sound and saw a half open door and peeked in.

I looked at her mouth singing out the most beautiful tones with a lovely empathy. Her head nodded to the music while she sang. I walked towards her, but changed my mind and walked back out and closed the door to the room before I knocked. The music was turned off immidiatly and I heard her say 'come in' and I did, but with one one baffled expression on my face.

"Did you sing that?" I asked in amazement.

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