The accident

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~~~ Jessica's POV ~~~

I drove to Sascha on the way home, I had drove around to deliver invitations to the wedding. It was two months left until I would be married to Eminem! Imagine that!

I drove up the driveway to Sascha and parked the car outside the front door. I jumped out of the car and ran toward the door with the invitation. I knocked before I opened the door and entered. Sascha met my gaze with a smile and came running towards me  when she saw the invitation in my hand. I handed ot to her, she quickly opened the envelope and read quickly through.

"I still can't believe you're gonna marry Eminem!" She said and gave me a big hug.

"Me neither, I'm so lucky!" We smiled at each other, then she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at me with a serious gaze, bit with a smile.

"What?" I asked and met the scrutinizing gaze of hers.

"I guess you're not a virgin anymore..?" I had to chuckle.

"Nope! I was first!" I said, we had had a bet with each other right before I met Marshall that Sascha was going to lose her virginity first and not me. Whoever lost it first in a stable relationship, should get the loser to treat two tickets to an Eminem concert, ironic right?

"What? You guys have ..?!" I nodded to her, she grabbed my hands, pulled me over to the couch and pushed me down into the smiling before she sat down beside me. "No way! We promised to tell how it was, remeber?" Her grin was even greater, damn it, I had totally forgotten.

"Yes ... But not so much ... It's called private." She nodded understandably before she asked the first question.

"Is he good?" I looked at her a little shocked, what was she asking? Wasn't we supposed to tell how it felt to lose the virtue?


"Is the legendary Eminem as good in bed as he is to rap?" I stared at her.

"Huh? No, I don't want to answer that!" Her smile faded and she looked at me with an apologising expression.

"Sorry, it's just that you lost you virginity to Eminem! You guys had sex!"


"Sorry! Okay, did it hurt?"

"A little, but I don't think that he even know he took it ..."

"He didn't know it was your first time?"

"No, I didn't tell him."

"Wow ..."

"Yeah ..." I looked at the clock in disbelief.

"I gotta go! Marshall's probably worried ..." She nodded smiling and escorted me out. I walked out to the car and got in, but before Sascha managed to close the door I called out to her.

"Sascha?" She looked at me. "He's amazing in the bed!" She smiled  and shouted after me as I drove out the driveway.

"I'm so jealous! JESSICA, LOOK OUT !!!" That was the last thing I heard before everything went black...

~~~ Marshall's POV ~~~

It was half past ten, she used to call if something came in the way. I looked at my phone again, no messages, no missed calls. I threw it on the couch. Where is she? Just then, the phone rang.

"Thank God!" I picked it up and was disappointed when I saw it was an unfamiliar number. I turned it off and fell down on the couch. The phone rang again, I took it up so I could see who it was. The picture of Jessica came up on the screen and I didn't hesitate a second to respond.

"Jessica! Where the hell are you ?!" I yelled into the cell phone, I heard whining and car alarms in the background.

"Eminem? Is this Eminem?" Said a tearful voice, I recognized the voice even though it was distorted by all the crying.

"Sascha? Why are you calling on Jessica's phone?" I asked worried.

"She was at my house and ... and ..." I felt that I was getting impatient and frightened.

"Shhh, calm down ... What happened?"

"She got in an accident! She's on her way to the hospital in an ambulance !! She was full of blood!" I didn't answer, I was in a total shock. I couldn't think, I tried to focus on my breathing.

"Eminem?" She asked, back to reality.

"WHAT ?! JESSICA !?" I yelled into the phone, Sascha whined. I threw the phone on the wall and ran into the bathroom. No... No, fuck no... She's dead... She's gone!!!

I went through the cupboards and found what I was looking for, pills. I took the containers out of the closet and was about to gulp down the whole container, before I threw it away.

"No! SHE AIN'T DEAD! IF SHE'S ALIVE, I'M ALIVE! HAILLIE !!" I called and she came running into the bathroom, her eyes fell on all the pills that lay strewn across the floor.

"Dad ?! What are you doing !?" I took her hand and brought her with me to the car. We sat in and I started the car. I drove out the driveway, the shock was still there. I fought back the tears.

"Dad? Are you on drugs again?" Haillie's voice cracked at the end. I shook my head quickly.

"Jessica's been in an accident, we're going to the hospital." I said with clenched teeth, I didn't like that Haillie saw me like this, but I couldn't help myself. I had to control myself some way, and this way worked better than pills. Haillie said nothing the rest of the trip, she sat quietly with tears constantly flowing.

When we arrived at the hospital, we both ran to the emergency room and met the worst sight I had ever seen. Jessica was wheeled out of an ambulance. She was covered in blood and ghastly. Haillie started crying and hugged me. I hugged her back and led her to the waiting room.

"Stay here... Okay?" I kissed her forehead and ran after the ambulance crew.

"Jessica!" I yelled after them and one turned to me, he had blood on his hands. Her blood on his hands.

"I'm sorry mr. But what is your connection---" I interrupted him, while I pushed him away from the road.

"I'm her fucking fiancé !!!" He took me on the shoulder and tried to hold me back. I turned and met his eyes. I stared at him with a murderous glance.

"She has lost a big amount of blood, she hit her head pretty badly too. Follow me." He led me to a small room. "She'll be transferred here after the surgery, so you can stay here to wait if you like?" I nodded at him.

"Can you bring my daughter in here? Her name's Haillie, she's in the waiting room." He nodded briefly as an answer before he walked out of the room. I sat down on the sofa in the corner of the room and waited. Now the tears came too... I wiped them away as the door to the room was opened and Haillie came running towards me in tears.

"Dad!" She sat down beside me and hugged me.

"Shh, she'll be okay..." I said as calmly as I could.

"You think so?" She asked, sobbing.

"I KNOW so ..." I looked at her quiet, but a tear managed to push forward from my heavy eyelids. Don't die from me you too... Please... I need you... Please don't leave me...

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