Chapter 1

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'Name: (F/N) (L/N).
Age: 22.
Relatives: dead.
Miss (L/N) has been in the asylum for 6 years, and in that time has had no contact with the outside world. She has insomnia and doesn't speak; she can, but chooses not to. Addiction with sweet things, mainly lollipops. She claims to see 'ghosts' or 'Shinigami'. She is crazy, but extremely intelligent.'

The pale, raven haired boy read the document about he insane girl, but he didn't get all the information he wanted. Since this asylum didn't give out too much information, he could only get so much.

He inhaled deeply, and exhaled. He then looked up at the grey haired man.


"Hm?" He hummed a response.

"I want to go to the Kanto Mental Asylum for the criminally insane. We need more information on (L/N), I'm 70% sure she could possible help with the case" The detective said in a monotone voice.

"The car is at the front now" Watari replied.

~at the asylum~

"Um, hello? Who are you here for?" A brown haired lady asked the detective.

"We want to see (F/N)
(L/N)" He said casually.

She looked at the male in shock.

"You do realise that-"

"I do not care, I wish to see (L/N)" L repeated.

She nodded reluctantly and lead L and Watari up many stairs.

"Her room is just at the end of corridor, and trust me, you will know which room his hers.....if you've heard" she whispered the last part before leaving back down the stairs, leaving L and Watari in the corridor asylum alone.

They walked in silence. L had a strawberry lollipop in his mouth, He was slouched as usual, finally they stopped at the door.

The door was covered in rusty iron bars, it had at least 6 locks going up he side and there were 3 guards on each side of the door.

"What do you want?" The blonde guard questioned.

"We want to see (F/N)" L said simply.

All of the guards turned the heads towards the black-haired male. They didn't question. After 10 minutes of waiting for the door to be unlocked, the blonde finally opened the door.

Lawliet, Watari and two of the guards walked in to a mini room with a one-way widow looking into the very white room. There was another door in that room which lead inside of the room the patient was in.

The four men looked out of the one-way mirror to see In the corner of her plain room (which held the patient) the tiny girl with messy (H/C) hair which covered most of her face. She was wearing a white straitjacket and was slightly shaking, she was facing the floor. The girl was also chained.

Lawliet spoke Into the microphone.

Your POV

"You are (F/N) (L/N), correct?" A deep voice boomed out of the speakers which are placed around the room.

I nodded Knowing he could see me from the other side if the one-way mirror. They thought I couldn't see it, They know me better then that!

I heard the buzzer for the door set off and I looked up, my face hidden in my messy hair.

A slouched, raven-haired man shuffled into the room I was in. He has bags under his eyes and a lollipop in his mouth.

'I want that lollipop' I thought to myself.

"I need your help" he spoke.

I raised a eyebrow as if to ask him why.

"For the Kira case, have you heard of it?" He asked me.

I shook my head no.

"There is a killer on the loose who thinks he is helping humanity by killing criminals. He thinks Of himself as a God like figure, but we don't know who he is, or how he kills, I want your help"

I thought about it for a while before speaking for the first time in six years.

"Will I be able to get out if here?" I giggled insanely at the end if my question. You could hear the madness in my voice.

The male's eyes widened but kept the same, straight face.


"Then I will do it" I agreed and nodded.

He went back through the door in which he came, and returned with three other men. Two of them worked here, However, as they were unlocking my chains, I could tell they were terrified of me. There was no denying it.

"Come on (L/N), get movin', you're gonna be bak here before ya know it!" one of the guards said to me in a mocking tone as the dragged me along the endless corridors.

My legs were stiff and numb, I could barely move my legs actually. I know now, I can escape. I know it I just need Ryuk...

"Psst, Hey, Ryuk" I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that (L/N)?!" A guard shouted at me.

A shook my head no, as If to tell him 'nothing'

The disfigured Shinigami appeared In front of me.

"Hey (F/N), heh, you finally getting out of this dump?" He cackled.

I nodded and smirked. Honestly, I've forgot what the outside world is like, after being there for 6 or more years, it will be nice to finally get out....

Ryuk laughed at the psychotic look in my eye, I giggle menacingly which earns a few confuse looks from the four men. Ryuk laughed at the awkward moment which occurred. I gave him a little glare which shut him up.

"Here (L/N), get changed in there, don't try any tricks, I know you like the back of my hand" the blonde guard handed me an outfit which took from his hands. I entered the mini changing room and put on the clothes.

It was an oversized, black long sleeved shirt with baggy, black pants, ah, the colour black....I just love it!

I exited the changing room and walked back towards the four men, an they lead me to the front door of the asylum.

I was going to go outside.

It's been 6 years.

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