Chapter 49

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Your POV

Sam's chest stopped moving, showing that he had died. L was curled up on the floor and was holding his leg, crimson blood was beginning to stain his pants.

I made my way over to L and kneeled besides him.

"L, look at me" I said to him calmly and he did so. His dark orbs were staring at me with a sad gaze. "You're going to be fine" I whispered to him.

I ripped off some of my shirt and tied it around his wound. I pulled out a clean syringe and a tiny bottle filled with morphine.

"(F/N) what's that?" L asked curiously.

"Morphine, it will relieve the pain in your leg" I kissed his forehead and filled the syringe with a certain amount of morphine.

"This might hurt a bit" I warned before injecting the substance near his wound, L cringed slightly.

My vision began getting a bit blurry.

"(F/N)! Are you okay?" L asked as I wobbled slightly.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered, my eyes fluttering close but immediately open once again.

"You're shot (F/N)!"

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

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