Chapter 6

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Your POV

I sighed and picked up my pillow, I shoved my face into it and groaned.

I've had insomnia for 6 years, I'm really use to it, but now instead of feeling tired, I just feel bored when everyone is asleep and I'm wide awake.

My eyes brightened up as an idea sparked in my mind.

I stood up, and silently opened my door. Heh, I never knew being a murder could help me stealth wise.

I tiptoed into living room.

There has to be a laptop in here.

I peaked around the corner of the wall which was separating the corridor from the living room. I saw a dim light coming from the sofa.

Great. I bet someone already has the laptop.....

I sighed and casually walked into the living room. And there I saw, L with a tub of ice-cream, Netflix on a laptop.

He looked up at me with his big, dark eyes.

"Oh, good-morning (F/N), I didn't expect you to be up at 2:00am"

"I don't sleep, I'm physically unable to, why are you up?"

"For the same reason as you, (L/N), I'm an insomniac"

I nodded and shuffled over to him.

"What are you watching?" I asked, but it came out as a mumble as I leaned closer to him to look at the screen.

"Anime, do you wanna watch it with me?" He asked nonchalantly.

I nodded and for the first time, I gave a real, genuine smile. This smile wasn't a crazy, insane, killer's smile. This smile wasn't fake. It was real.

L scooped up a bit of ice cream onto his spoon and held it up to my face. He looked at me with pleading eyes and I got the message. I opened my mouth and he fed me the ice cream.

"Hold these for a while, I just need to get something" he muttered. L handed me the laptop, the ice cream tub and the spoon.

"Uh, okay" I awkwardly said.

L soon returned with a grey, cosy looking blanket. He sat back down beside me and draped the warm blanket over the two of us. He then took the laptop and put it half on his lap, and half on mine. He took the ice cream back from me and placed that between us too. We also had two spoons, one for me, one for him.

The room was dark, apart from the dim glow that the laptop was creating from the screen. This was great. Ice-cream, Netflix and YouTube, ice cream, and in sharing this with a trustworthy person. I mean, of course I haven't known him long, but he just seemed trustworthy.

Then I did something unexpected. I rested my head on his shoulder. He tensed slightly, but he let it pass.


She rested her head on my shoulder, she was so cold. However, I didn't mind, I am cold too.

She put the ice cream in front of my face, she was trying to feed me like I did to her.

I did I tiny smile and opened my mouth as she fed me the delicious, cold treat.

For the rest of the night, we just sat watching anime and eating ice cream. I know I can trust this girl, I know it ridiculous, I mean, she's a criminally insane psychopath, she has murder over 20 people when she was 16. But there is something about this girl. And like she said before....

Sometimes being insane helps in this world.

I guess I have to get a bit outside of my comfort zone.

This is just a short chapter XD I hope you've enjoyed it so far! I love you all <3

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