Chapter 35

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Your POV

I'm finally landing in Japan. I'm going to need an apartment of some sort. I'm still going to work on the Kira case, but I may need a new Alias. I could still be known as X and say I'm the successor? It needs to be thoroughly thought through, and I especially need to be believable.

As soon as the plane landed I rushed out of the airport and got a taxi to Light's house.

~at lights house~

Knock knock knock

The door was opened by Light's mum.

", who are you?" She asked kindly.

"I'm a friend of Light's, is he in? It is very urgent" I questioned.

"Ah yes, please come inside, I will get him now"

I stepped inside and Light's mother called him down. He looked at me with a confused look, not recognising who I am.

"Light, your friend wants to speak to you"

I looked at light, I moved my arm slightly to gesture to look at my arm and I stuck a lollipop out of my pocket. He instantly knew who I was and told his mum that we would be going in his room for a bit.

"Konami! You're back!" Light smiled.

"This is urgent, I need your help" I looked at him with serious eyes. He nodded and gestured for me to carry on.

"I faked my death so I could start my own case. To for L's safety. If I complete the case now then I can protect L. I just need your help to help me get an apartment, and don't reveal that I am alive" I pleaded.

"I will help" he said. Even though I could tell he was reluctant because he knew that I knew he was Kira, which means I can have him arrested. He must be trying to clear his suspicion.

"Okay, i need an apartment though, like right now" I said as I dragged him with me to find an apartment.

~time skip to when you have an apartment because I can't be bothered with the details~

My apartment is simple. It has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen, nothing special.

Lucky for me the apartment already had furniture, so I was grateful for that. I also appreciate the help of light for getting me here.

I can help but feel so horrible. I left L, and I left Mello, Matt and Near without saying goodbye. I feel like the most horrible person ever.

But this is all to protect them. I know that L was right when he said Kira was going to kill him, he said that he needed a successor. So that means that There is approximately a 85% chance that L will die, which is a risk to big to take.

I set up my microphone and connected it to my computer.

"Hello, my name is X...." I spoke Into the microphone.


"L, we have received a voice call from someone who goes by the Alias X" Watari informed me.

I felt a pain in my chest, memories of (F/N) appeared in my head. I also felt a big of hope, what if this is X? Nonsense.... She died...I saw it.

I played the video. The background is white, and there is and 'X' in the centre of the screen in a black, old english font.

"Hello, I am X. I want to inform you that soon, the Kira case will come to an end. I have been working on it for a while now and there is a high chance that you are soon to die. However, I'm willing to take this risk, and solve it for you, bringing this case to an end. Also, I am X's successor, my identity will remain unknown, just as yours once was. Goodbye for now, detective" the screen went black.

They must know a lot if they have nearly completed the Kira case, although, they did work with (F/N), so it makes sense...

Your POV

I started taking notes. Tons of them. I will need proof if I am going to arrest Light Yagami and Misa Amane, I can't just say that I know they are Kira, it won't prove anything.

I started to think if the most convincing pieces of evidence that I can. It needs to be believable too.

I'm sat at a desk with two laptops in front of me, one has incidents that are Kira related, the other laptop is the one I am taking notes on. I have a jar of Lollipops in front of me too, followed by a cup of tea.

I took a sip of my tea and got a notification on my laptop.

I opened it up and it's a video response to my message. Huh. I opened that up too and began watching.

The signature L in old english font appeared on the screen.

'Hello X, as you know I am L. If you are so close to finishing the Kira case than I have an offer, I would like you to join the Kira task force. We have recently lost the previous X, and I would like you, as X's successor, to take her place." The video ended.

Ughhhh I can't join him! I'm X! Have to think of an excuse....


Watari sent me another video reply of X's successor. I'm hoping he/she agrees to my requests, we need someone who requires as much knowledge as the previous X.

"I'm sorry but I turn down your offer. I would like to work alone as I finish this this task. I assure you, this case will be solved soon enough and you can presume living your everyday life. However, if anything I needed, feel free to ask anything, I don't mind giving hints. Goodbye for now L, we will meet soon"

I sighed. I guess not....but how will I meet her soon?

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