Chapter 38

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Your POV

I know that Light is going to pull something weird. He has been for the whole case, I need to stay alerted, and I can't fight back if he does do something due to my stab wound, still haven't had that checked up on. But that's use me being me.

I slid the key into the lock and unlocked it, opening the door. I carefully walked over to light. He was just sat there still blind folded.

"Come On Light, time to go" I went to help him up but he threw off his blindfold and started to attack me.

He grabbed my neck and put me up against the wall glaring at me.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Light screamed.

I struggled in his grasp. Well. Here goes nothing.

I kicked him in the balls. I'm horrible i know but killing him isn't an option right now.

He scrunched up into a ball in pain and I kneed his face.


He ignored the pain and stood up, shoving me out of the small room into the larger one full of detectives.

He continuously punched me in the face. Over and over. Jesus, he doesn't give up does he?

Well either do I.

I kicked his face and straddled him on the floor. I grabbed a syringe from my pocket and a intravenous injection which caused him to become sleepy, he was fighting it however.

I stood up and dusted of my hands.

"Sorry about that, he isn't dead, just unconscious, he should be fine" I said looking at the detectives.

However, I felt a tug at my hood and mask, I turned around to see light using me to weakly stand up as he revealed my identity to the task force, L and Near. Light then collapsed on the floor, completely loosing consciousness.


"(F/N)?" L stared at me.

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