Chapter 48

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Your POV

We watched the killer from afar as he splashed burning hot water over his new victim.

"We've seen all of this before" I groaned, becoming impatient.

"Wait, We have to see what he does with the bodies afterwards" L whispered back to me as we waited in boredom to see what the killer does next.

After a few minuets of waiting, The murderer grabbed the dead body and dragged it to a van. He chucked the lifeless body into the back of the van and the man started up the engine.

"Where is he taking the body?" I asked.

"Let's find out" L smirked.

"We can't follow the car, it's too fast-"

"There is a motorcycle over there" L smiled innocently.

"Can you even ride a motorcycle?" I questioned.


"L, let me drive" I ordered.


"Why?" I moaned as we approached the bike.

"It won't be as romantic" L smirked again.

"What is romantic about riding a motorcycle?! There is nothing romantic about it!" I sighed.

"So you don't want to feel my chest and abs when you wrap your arms around me?" L cooed jokingly.

"I never said that, but-"

"So you do!" L teased.

"OH MY GOD JUST GET ON THE FREAKING BIKE!" I groaned and sighed in annoyance. L got his own way and rode the motorcycle.

We followed the killer on our vehicles, only to stop... At the little cafe?

"Yep, Sam is definitely the murderer" I stated obviously.

"Shhh" L hushed me. We watched Sam open up the empty cafe with his keys and drag his dead victim into the cafe.

"Why would he bring them here?" L asked silently to himself.

"If we follow him we will find out~" I sang encouragingly.

"We are not going inside of that cafe" L frowned.

"What's the point in coming if we can't go inside?" I whine.

"It could be dangerous" L argued.

"L! I'm all about danger, I injected myself with tetrodotoxin for crying out loud! Please!" I pleaded.

"No, that's final"

"Fine, if we together can't go in, then I will go in myself." I sighed and stood up, I carefully and quietly began making my way towards the cafe.

"X" L grabbed my wrist.

I turned to look at him.

"If you're going inside, then I am too" L gave in and I smiled.

"Come on" I whispered and entered the cafe.

It was pitch black, the only thing we could see was a dim light coming from across the hall. We tiptoed towards the light and I peeked around the wall. There was nothing there, just an open freezer door.

I guess this makes sense, he has been putting he dead bodies in this freezer room, he must've been the only one with access if nobody has found out yet.

"Well this explains where he is keeping the bodies" I mutter to L as I turn to face him.

"Should we go insi-"

A gunshot was heard.

Time seemed to have slowed down as L fell to the floor. He hugged his leg and cringed in pain, my heart seemed to have stopped, I wasn't injured, it just hurt me to see L in such pain.

I looked to see who shot the bullet, only to be a few meters away from Sam.

"I knew you were up to something" Sam Spat.

"Same for yourself" I nodded my head in his direction.

Sam didn't even respond instead he aimed his gun at me and pulled the trigger.

Heh.... He clearly doesn't get it already....

I swiftly moved to the side but got shot in my right shoulder. I cringed in pain but managed to get my knife from my boot. I quickly scanned him to check anything I could use against him....

He is right handed, I guess that's a first.

I threw the knife at his right hand, he dropped the gun and screamed whilst he held his hand close to his chest. I walked over to him and pulled out my syringe.

"Sam, also known as the unknown, will loose his life right here right now... Or should we have a little bit of fun first?" My signature insane smirk appeared on my (S/T) face.

"N-No! Please!" He begged.

I walked closer to him, his eyes were full of pure terror.

"I refuse to show mercy to someone who has murdered many people, and I especially won't show mercy to someone who shot my boyfriend!" I growled and launched towards Sam. I straddled him on the floor and injected Sam with the liquid inside of the syringe.

"In around 3 minuets you won't be able to move" I whispered and smirked.

Sam pushed me off of him and straddled me instead.

"I might as well kill you now with the time that I have then" Sam held another knife up to my neck.

He pushed it into my neck painfully slow. I growled and struggled to get him off me.

"Before you die, do you have anything to say?" The killer smirked.

I sighed and shook my head no.

"Good, I wouldn't let you-" Sam was hit at the back of the head, revealing L who was behind him.

"Thanks Ryuzaki" I smiled and stood up, I also remembered to call him L since Sam cannot know who we are.

I watched as Sam tried to stand up, but his body froze. He is still alive though.

"Well, Sam, I have injected you with 100mg of Pancuronium bromide. Enough of it paralysed the diaphragm and lungs. By now you have probably noticed that you have stopped breathing. Pancuronium bromide tends to do that, so you're basically suffocating. Any last words? Oh wait! You can't speak" I mocked as he died a slow and painful death.

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