Chapter 34

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She's just laying there.


Today I was going to ask her. But I can't now. It's to late. I can't believe a mother would kill their own child.

"Member down, I repeat member down, we need backup immediately" I spoke into the walky-talky.

Not long after the English police came and arrested miss (L/N). All I could do was stare at (F/N)'s dead body.

However, I noticed a note in (F/N)'s hands. I took it and read it, it was written in blood.

'Place dead body at date bridge'

Even though the writing and grammar wasn't to great, I still understood it. She wants me to place her dead body at the bridge where we had out last date. I kissed her cold hand and held it close to my chest.

If she was here now she would tell me how out of character I was being...

I picked her up bridal style and Watari drove to Wammy's. I just couldn't believe she's dead. You think her being her she would've sensed it coming...

We arrived at Wammy's and I placed her on her bed. I then told Watari to bring in Near, Mello and Matt, they deserve to see her one last time.

They entered the room and stared at (F/N) in shock. She was laying still, motionless.

"She wanted her body to be took to the bridge, so that's what we will do, let's go" I said and off we went...

~at the bridge~

We placed down (F/N)'s body on the bridge. Nobody often comes here, so I know we won't have an issue with this being her 'grave'. Besides, this is what she wanted...

~time skip to after the funeral because I'm terrible at writing funeral type things XD~

Your POV

I sat up. He did as I asked. I looked around and took in my surroundings. I'm at the bridge as requested, now all I have to so it get back to Japan.

Well, firstly I'm going to need some clothing, I'm not walking around with blood on my shirt for the rest of the day.... But also, I believe L is going back to Japan today, so I have to make sure not to make eye contact, and I have to be as unrecognisable as possible.

I bought something that I don't often wear, a white dress, and underneath the dress was some grey leggings. I'm also wore some white flats and a grey Cardigan. L knows I would never wear clothing like this.... The thing I did next was something I would never, ever do again... I caked my face with make-up. Horrible I know but I don't look like myself now so that's a good sigh I suppose?

~on the plane~

I sat down in my seat, but a familiar, raven haired man has the seat next to me......

Are you serious? What happened to his private jet? UGH!

He looked horrible. His cheeks were tearstained and the dark circles under his eyes were darker than ever. His hair was messier too, if that was even possible.

But I couldn't bare just leave him like that with nobody to go to... I FEEL HORRIBLE.

I tried to do the best, high pitched voice I could. I don't want to sound like myself when I talk to him.

"Hey are you okay? You look like shit" I said in a weird voice.

He just looked at me with his dark eyes, the eyes the I adore.

"Thanks for pointing out my physical appearance. But I am decent I suppose, thank you for asking" he mumbled.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The person who I loved the most died" I cut it short.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but get over her, she was probably weird anyway" I said, trying to see his reaction.

"She was weird, but she's my type of weird" he smiled a bit and a tear ran Down his cheek.

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