Chapter 19

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Your POV

Breath in.

Breathe out.

Breath in.

Breath out.

I have to calm down....if I go mental like that again then there will be a 65% chance that I will have to go back to the asylum.

What was I doing telling them about the Shinigami eyes? I'm so stupid!

I calmed down and joined the others.

"What do you think? Is it real?" I heard L say to Light as I entered the room.

"At this point in time, all I can see for sure is that he must be stupid" Light replied.

"Yeah I agree-" matsuda stopped when he noticed my presence.

He shuffled In the opposite direction from me and light, L and Soichiro stayed in their places.

"Matsuda, stop being ridiculous, L said that she is trustworthy" Soichiro dragged Matuada by his arm.

"But she's insane! She's a-"

"Oh shut up matsuda! Or I'll kick your ass" I sighed and sat on the sofa. Matsuda then just glared at me and carried on chatting.

However, L unnoticeably and silently came over an sat by me.

"To be honest, it's so stupid" L paused and put a chocolate in his mouth, "I'm not even sure how to deal with this whole situation anymore" he said whilst chewing his food. "And if we make the diary public...." L carried on, and on, and on.

I just sat there gathering important pieces of information as he spoke.

Second Kira admires real Kira.

So basically a Kira fangirl? Hah, he isn't even a real killer, I will Believe that the day I see Kira will with a knife, not a pathetic notebook....

~time skip~

"Please can I go with light as Matsuda? Please????!" I whined at L.

"No. It's too dangerous, we can't lose one of the best detectives we have here" L said sipping his tea.

"Fine" I pointed and went to my room.

I'm just like a little kid....I chuckled to myself.

Hehe.... Little does he know, I'm going to sneak out again.

I put on my black converse, black skinny jeans and my
(F/C), baggy long sleeved shirt. I also wore a Black hoodie.

I peaked out of my door and didn't see L.

He's probably in the kitchen.

I quietly snook I the front door without being seen. I quickly shut it behind me as I exited to go to the town.

I went and followed Light and Matsuda, I needed to investigate. Obviously I followed then from a distance to make it look like I'm not following them. I had my good up, covering my face.

I noticed this girl with short black hair and glasses through the Cafe window looking at light.

I can't see her lifespan.

She's the second Kira.

She has a Shinigami.

Yep, second Kira. Well, that's today's Kira case for today! Heh.... But I want to see what happens if I just leave it for a little while....

This can be fun.

~back at home~

"Hehe.... Ryuzaki! I'm home~" I sang.

"Were where you? You left your phone so I couldn't track you" L demanded answers.

"Yep...stalker....I was on town, nothing to worry about" I smiled.

"I'm not a stalker, it's for your protection, did you find anything at least?" L put his thumb to his lips.

"Yep! I have completely solved the Kira case! Hehe, remember, I'm only here for clues, I'm not going to just give away the answers like that" I smirked.

L sighed.

So did I.

"Fine, I think her name was..... Mina Amuna?" I said, purposely getting the name wrong.

"Is it definite?"

"I don't know"

"That's a great help" he sighed.

"Hehe.... She had a Shinigami with her, if I'm correct, it's the Shinigami Rem" I hinted.

"What help is that to me if I cannot see Shinigami?" L muttered.

"Well, it's a help for me, although, she will be able to kill me if she ever find out that I am in the task force, we are bound to meet her soon" I giggled evilly.

"What do Shinigami look like?" L asked curiously.

"It depends, any Shinigami in particular?" I asked.


"Ah, um, tall and slouched, female, arms are just bones, no flesh. Pale purple hair type of thing and has one eye.... I don't know how to explain it exactly...." I rubbed the nape of my neck.

"Have you met Kira yet?"


"Well I know that you won't tell me who Kira is, so what does his Shinigami look like"

"Ah, I am very good friends with this Shinigami. Ryuk, he is also tall and slouched, spiky dark-blue hair, he sorta had blue winged eyeliner" I chuckled "he's funny, you'd like him if you met him" I informed.

" Shinigami are nice?"

"Yes, they are very good company, especially when locked in an asylum" I added.



He stuck out a sugar coated strawberry. I smiler and opened my mouth and he fed me the sweet, sugary, red fruit.

Strawberry's kinda remind me of L. They can look boring sometimes, but really, they are sweet and soft.

What am I thinking?

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