Chapter 44

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Your POV

"so this is our new home?" I walked into the house.

"Yep, I've already had the rooms done up for us" L said as we placed our bags near the door.

L toured me around the house. The design was decent I suppose.

The living room had a large, black flat screen TV hung up on the wall, underneath it was a television cabinet. Inside the cabinet was DVDs, CDs, video games and other bits and bobs. Opposite the TV was a four-seated, grey couch with black and white cushions. The walls were white and the floor was made of pine wood. The room was kinda modern, the colour scheme wasn't terrible.

The kitchen had black kitchen tiles, the counters were black and the drawers were white. The walls were white too.

The bathroom was basic too. The walls were white, white titles, white sink, white toilet, white bath ect.

My bedroom was quite big. Three walls were white and one wall was (F/C). There was a double bed with a patterned black and (F/C) duvet cover and pillows.

(Sorry of your F/C is black, mine is too, but not all people are like us)

There was a black carpet and, once again, the basics: wardrobe, dresser, shelves ect.

L's room has all white walls and a very, very, very pale blue duvet sheet. He also had a black carpet. And also the basic objects.

The house wasn't big, but it was nice. I began unpacking my things, and so did L. Soon enough the house was turned into a home. Our belongings were placed into the correct places.

Me and L sat on the sofa eating strawberry cheesecake.

"I think I'm going to miss Light" I blurted out.

"Why?" I think I heard slight jealousy in L's voice.

"Well, besides him being Kira and all that stuff, he was actually pretty nice. But he's dead now, nothing much to do about it" I shrugged my shoulders and bit into a piece of my cake.

"You are confusing. You say you miss him, but then you act as if he hasn't even died. Would you act the same if I died?" L asked with pained eyes.

"Of course not! To be honest, I don't know how I would react. I've never actually lost someone I've been close to, I was the one who usually murdered them.... I don't know, but I do love you, you know that right?" It was true, I have always been the one to kill anyone I have been close to, so I've never really mourned a person's death...

"I love you too" L put a piece of cake in my mouth.

I chuckled.

"So how do you like the new house? I know that it's a lot of white, black and grey but you know that I'm not into much colour" L asked as he bit into some go his cake.

"I love it! I'm surprised by how fast you got to ready in all honesty. I just find it hard that I use to live in England and I don't remember it, I'm back at the place were it all began" I muttered.

"I understand. You will get use to it eventually, and there is at least a 17% chance you can get your memory back" L commented.

"I guess I could try," I smiled "what are we going to do tomorrow? I don't know about you but all I want to do is just relax" I sighed.

"Unfortunately we do have work, we need to do the 'unknown' case. We will get times to rest however."

I nodded and stood up with my plate.

"I'm going to wash my plate, bring your plate to the kitchen when you've done and I will clean it" I said as I left to the kitchen.

I filled up the sink with a mixture of hot and cold water, I added together some washing soap, causing bubbles to be created.

I grabbed a sponge and began washing my plate. I hummed (F/S) and L came into the kitchen with his plate.

"Do you want me to clean your plate?" I offered.

"I will wash my plate, thank you for the offer though" L said as I dried my plate. L began cleaning his plate.

I placed my plate back into the cupboard were it belonged and I sat in the counter beside L.

"L~" I smirked.


I grabbed a pile if bubbles from the sink and put it on his head, I giggled.

"You want to play that game?" L smiled a bit and put some bubbles in my face.

"EWWWWWW! It tastes of soap!" I stuck my tongue out.

L chuckled and I got him back again by hitting him with more bubbles.

"Come here," L stuck out his arms.

"Nope! You're going to hit me with bubbles" I pouted.

"I won't I just want a hug" L said innocently.

I hesitantly walked over and hugged him. I hate what he did next.....

Whilst still in the hug with me, he smacked my butt with a pile of bubbles.

"L I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT" I growled and we had a fun-filled bubble fight.

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