Chapter 43

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Your POV

"We are moving?" I requestioned L.

"Yes. You and I are moving. There is a case that I am interested in and I think you would be fascinated by it too. And once again, I think you can help." L explained once again.

There is murderer in England who goes by the name: 'the unknown', the reason for this is simple, his/her identity is unknown. We won't have to reveal our identities for this, which is a good thing I suppose. But we won't have to work too much to solve the case, so we will get some free time to ourselves. I'm just hoping that nothing goes wrong, I trust me and L's abilities but I don't know that much about this case.

"But what about Mello, Matt and Near?" I asked.

"They will be going back to Wammy's."

"What about the old Kira task force team?"

"They will be rejoining the police. The case is completed, they can continue their precious lives. (F/N), Try not to stress, you must've already been stressed recently due to having to solve the Kira case. I assure you, now there is nothing to stress about." Lawliet comforted

"Okay," I sighed "when will we be leaving?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Tomorrow" he said calmly.


"I apologise. I recommend you start packing now, I have already packed, it's just you to wait for, then we can leave tomorrow" L muttered.

Is he serious? It's tomorrow! That's ridiculous!

I sighed. "Fine". I walked to my bedroom and grabbed my (F/C) suitcase.

What would I take with me?

I folded up all my black skinny jeans and all of my (F/C) oversized shirts. I shoved them into my suitcase.

I don't have too many clothes. I have 7 pairs of skinny jeans. A pair for everyday, after I have wore one pair, I will wash them, so I never run out of clean skinny jeans. Do you know what I mean? It's the same for my shirts. Being organised with my clothes just means I don't have to buy new clothes all the time. It's actually pretty useful. Anyway, I also shoved some socks and undergarments in my suitcase too, and I manage to put in 3 pairs of shoes, my black converse, black boots, black nikes, and I'm wearing my black flats. Again, I don't have tons of shoes, just a few.

I put my laptop in its case and placed it into the suitcase, followed by the laptop charger. I then put all of my other essentials to take with me. I can't believe I'm moving though, I won't live in Japan anymore...

When I finished packing I went to the living room with L.

"I've finished" I groaned and sat next to L.

"Great. Are you excited?" L looked at me expectantly.

"In a way, yeah. It's going to be a change that's for sure, but I not remember life in Japan. And what about my mother?! I completely forgot! She stabbed me, what happened afterwards?" I bombarded L with questions.

"she was arrested, there is no need to worry" L took my hand in his.

I nodded and stuck a lollipop in L's mouth. I giggled a bit and L thanked me nonchalantly for the treat. I then stuck a lollipop in my mouth, (F/F).

"I'm bored" I whined.

"So am I. What do couples do?" L asked.

"I don't know, I don't think I've ever had a boyfriend" I muttered.

"Your 22 and have never had a boyfriend?" L raised an eyebrow.

"You haven't either so don't act so shocked." I playfully punched his arm.

"Yeah but I wouldn't expect you to never have had a boyfriend" L looked at me with wide eyes.

"And why is that?" I chuckled.

"Your just so beautiful and kind. Yes you are insane but that's just something I love about you. You are intelligent too, which I think is a bonus," L smiled slightly, "I just find it so unbelievable for someone as perfect as you to have never had a boyfriend" L but his thumb to his lips.

"T-thank you" I stuttered, "nobody has ever said something so nice to me before" I smiled at him weakly.

L kissed my cheek. "My pleasure".

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