Chapter 23

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Your POV

"L? Where are we going?" I said as I sat in the black car with L with my bags packed.

"It's a surprise, (F/N), but it might bring back memories" he hinted.

"How long will it take to get there? I'm bored" I pouted.

"There are roughly 3 pit stops, but approximately 12 hours"

"I can't wait that long! That's half a day! I get bored before it's even been 15 minutes" I complained.

"Well you better start getting use to to" L chuckled.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

~30 minutes later~

"Now we are at the airport, can you please tell me where you are taking me?" I whined.

"You will see after the 11 hour flight" L said.

I pouted and sighed.


11 hour flight?

Brings back memories?

He can't possible be taking me can't, can he?


After doing some airport stuff we finally went on our...private aeroplane?

Oh yeah. He's a world famous detective who nobody knows the face of, how could I forget?

"L....IM BORED" I shouted.

"Then do a rubix cube, I doubt you will be able to finish it, so it should keep you occupied" L threw me a Rubix cube.

He sighed, rolled my eyes, and under 5 minutes later I handed L the completed Rubix cube.

"I'm bored" I repeated.

"Wow, you completed a Rubix cube, never expected that from you" L teased.

"Wow, how funny" you glared.

"If you are still bored then why don't you sit with me and watch something on my laptop?" L patted the seat next to him.

Wow...smooth Lawliet...smooth

"Fine" I sat next to him and he put on some anime. Honestly, I forgot how much I enjoyed just relaxing and sitting with him like this, just like the beginning of the case when I met him.

"(F/N)" L said, earning my attention.


"Open your mouth"

"What? why?"

He held up a sugar coated strawberry and he fed it to me. How many times has he fed me like this? I don't know. But he does it often...

"L, I have a question, I hope you don't mind me asking" I said as I rested my head on the detectives shoulder.

"Of course, ask me anything"

"If you have insomnia, then why don't you take sleeping pills to help you sleep?" I asked the completely random question.

"I'd ask you the same thing, for you have insomnia also"

"Yeah but I'm asking you why you don't, Mr-I-have-an-IQ-of-168" I smirked, mentioning the name I came up for him the day before.

"Well, Miss-I'm-strange-and-like-doing-drifts-in-cars, I don't take sleeping pills because I like to use my insomnia to my advantage and use the spare time to work"

"The name you have me doesn't even make sense" I chuckled.

"Just be quiet and watch the anime" L said to me as he shoved another strawberry into my mouth.

~11 hours later~

"I'M OUT OF THE PLANE!" I said in relief.

"Come on, I need to take you to the place now" L led me Into a black car when we exited the airport.

"Do you recognise anything?" L asked.

"No, not yet anyway, where are we?"

"Wait until we get to the place I want to show you"

~30 minutes later~

We approached a large building with large gates. Wammy's house a sign read.

My head started hurting and I had another flashback...


"W-what is this place?" I asked a man with grey hair.

"This is the Wammy's house, you should be staying here form now on" he spoke to me.

I glanced at the sign which read Wammy's house.

"So is this my new home?" I asked him.

He nodded and took me inside....

~end of flashback~

"Welcome back, Konami" a man who was mostly bald greeted me.

I haven't even realised that I was now in what seemed like an office.

"Uh, excuse me, who are you?" I asked, trying to sound polite.

"I'm Roger, ah, yes, I have forgotten that you suffered from amnesia didn't you?" He straightened his back.

I nodded in response.

"Well, I will show you to your rooms, you will be sharing a room with L if that is alright?" Roger raised an eyebrow.

"Yes it is, thank you" I smiled.

"It's my pleasure"

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