Chapter 18

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Your POV

L was gasping more and looking more stressed as the second Kira went on and on about Shinigami related subjects in the message.

L then screamed with his arms in the air and fell out of his chair. Everyone rushed to his aid.

"Sh-Shinigami!"he stuttered and looked at the TV with big eyes "am I suppose to believe that? That Shinigami actually exist?" He looked shocked...

Everyone tried to comfort L and I just couldn't help myself here....

"Shinigami exist you dumbass" I said casually.

Everyone looked at me shocked.

"Yeah but your insane so of course you would believe that!" Light pointed.

"Can I tell them L? Pretty please!" I looked at L.

He hesitantly nodded and I giggled evilly again.

"So guys! I have a story to tell you all! All questions will be asked at the End of the story so yeah! Let's begin!" I looked at everyone with a smirk.

"When I was 16.... I murdered 26 people" I looked at them casually "4 people were close to death but they magically survived!" I looked around at everyone before clearing my throat.

"So blablabla, I was brought to the Kanto Mental Asylum for the criminally insane. But! I can see Shinigami, so... Yeah, I also have Shinigami eyes which I bet none of you knew! But that's a whole new story!" I cackled insanely again.

"My relatives are dead, I'm 22 and none of you are going to know my name because I know who Kira is and shit. Questions may be asked.... now!"

Matsuda hesitantly put his hand up.

"yes matsuda!" I giggled.

"I have two How long where you in the asylum for? and why were you brought out?"

"6 years, and a certain detective thought I could help him with the Kira case, so I was let out early" I smiled. "Yes, light?" I asked.

"How do we know your not the second Kira? It makes sense, you weren't in the room when we got the reply from the second kira. So it could be you, and in the video there was a mentioning of Shinigami eyes-"

"HAHAHAHAHA! You really think that I'm the second kira? Wow, your pathetic. If I was to kill someone, I'd rather get my hands dirty instead of using-" I stopped myself "in a saying to much already" I chuckled.

"Anyyyyywayyyyy, now you all know the truth, I'm an insane psychopath, who is also over the average intelligence so just be aware!" I giggled cunningly and skipped back into my room.

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