Chapter 52

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Your POV

After a while, me and L finally got out of the hospital. My arm was still bandaged up and so was L's leg.

"I'm surprised I didn't go insane in there, it was so boring" L chuckled as we sat in the car.

"Same here, well, I already am mad but you get the idea" I laughed.

"You're the best kind of mad to me" L kissed my forehead.

"And you're the best kind of boring to me" I smiled at L.

"I am not boring" L pouted.

"You so are"





"Right. Tomorrow, I will take you out, somewhere 'not-boring'. I will prove that I can be fun" L smirked.

"Hah, fine. I bet that this 'place' you're going to take me to will be as boring as you though" I joked.

L just playfully rolled his eyes as the car stopped at our house.

Our house.

I never thought of It like that before to be honest...

We unlocked the front door and I was instantly engulfed with the welcoming warmth. The smell of sweet treats lingered in the air.

"I'm home!" I screamed as I jumped onto the sofa.

"(F/N)! Be careful! Don't hurt your shoulder!" L ordered.

"Boring~" I teased.

L just rolled his eyes again and walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked whilst checking the time on my phone.

"I'm going to make some cupcakes" L grumbled.

I instantly shot up and rushed over to L.

"Can I help?" I smiled excitedly.

"Okay" L chuckled.

"Yes!" I jumped around and grabbed my phone and Bluetooth speaker.

"What are you doing?" L asked as he got the ingredients out of the cupboards and putting them onto the counter.

"Putting some music on" I giggled as I scrolled through my playlist.

I selected: 'vampire money' by my chemical romance.

"3!2!1! We came to fuck! Everybody party 't'ill the gasman comes!" I sang.

"(F/N) get over here and help me bake" L grabbed my wrist and playfully dragged me over to the counter.

Everything was going well until I made a slight 'mistake'.

L was leaning against the kitchen counter. However, when I went to grab the bag of sugar, I kinda spilt the bag of flour onto L's hand....

L took this as an opportunity to shove loads of flour in my face.

"You did not just do that!" I squealed.

"Well I kinda did-"

I threw an egg at his chest.

"OW! That actually hurts-"

I threw more flour at him.

"I'm going to get you!" L based me around the kitchen.

I was laughing so hard and so was L. I actually got a cramp and I was dying from exhaustion.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed.

I then accidentally tripped and fell on my back. L them tripped over my foot and fell on top of me.

I stared into his eyes and he stared back into mine. He leaned closer to me and we kissed. I smiled into the kiss and L did too.

I looked back at him when the kiss ended.

"That was some cliché shit" I giggled.

"sorry for having to do this...." L muttered.

"Do what?-"

L threw a handful of flour in my face.

"LAWLIET I SWEAR TO GOD!" I chased him.

~time skip~

"My shoulder hurts" I whined as I collapsed onto the sofa. After L and I's previous flour fight it took us a while to clean up.

"I told you to be more careful" L stated.

"Careful is boring. And I didn't see you being careful when you were chasing me around the kitchen!" I pointed out.

"That was different"

"Of course it was" I sarcastically said. "Anyway, how is your leg?" I questioned.

"It's okay,'How is your shoulder?" L asked.

"It could be better I suppose. Not much to do about it though." I shrugged.

"Let me see" L said softly.

Haha! If he seriously thinks I'm going to show him my shoulder then he doesn't know me by now.


"Why not?"

"I hate people seeing my skin. Especially my shoulders" I glared.

"Please?" L gave me puppy eyes.

"Ugh fine" I sighed.

L sat beside me and carefully pulled down my shoulder sleeve. It was patched up.

"Can I?"

"Go a ahead"

L gently took of the bandages to reveal a pretty bad looking wound. It was stitched a bit and there were bits of blood here and there.

"Oh look it's bleeding" I said calmly.


"L relax. It's only bleeding, just get me a tissue and it will be fine" I chuckled.

L nodded eagerly and rushed of to get me some tissue.

Heh. I found it quite cute when he began panicking...

"HERE!" I rushed back into the room and hesitantly cleaned up the blood.

"Thanks L" I smiled kindly.

After that, me and L just sat down eating treats and watching random videos.

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