Chapter 26

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Your POV

"So, how about that rematch Matt?" I turned to look at the gamer.

"Heh, you know that I'm better at this game than you" Matt smirked and handed me a controller.

"I haven't played a video fame for over 6 years but I still think I can beat you!" I giggled "first to 3?" I asked.

"Yep, GO!"

We started the game and of course Matt was winning. But not for long. I pressed the buttons speedily in hope to catch up with Matt's score.

"No! No! No! Die (F/N)! Die!" Matt screamed whilst slamming his buttons.

"Nope!" I laughed and began catching up with his score.

Player 2: 1
Player 1: 0

"HAHA I BEAT YOU AT THE FIRST ROUND!" I pulled Matt into a hug.

"Wow, you could never beat me at this game" Matt chuckled.

"Well i can now!" I smiled "let's do round 2"

"I will beat you this time!"

"In you dreams!" I joked.

~time skip~

"Awwww, I lost" I pouted.

"Don't worry about it (F/N)" Matt draped an arm around my shoulders "come on, afterwards we can go out to the store and I will buy you some cake" Matt reassured.

"Really?" I looked up with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, but hang out with Mello for a bit, he may not show it but he has missed you like crazy" Matt told me.

I nodded and stood up and went over to Mello once again.

"Hey Mello" I greeted.


"How have you been for the last 12 years?" I tried starting convocation.

"Great, just great" he said sarcastically.

"Tell me, please" I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

He sighed "when you left, me, Matt and near weren't the same.... I you've seen near he isn't as fun and he is boring nowadays, we aren't even friends anymore." Mello explained "Matt hasn't changed to much, but if anyone brought up the subject he wouldn't talk to anyone for 'bouta week" Mello added.

"I'm sorry that I left and that I lost my memory" I rubbed the nape of my neck.

Mello chuckled. "It's not your fault, you couldn't help it"

"How did I end up in the hospital anyway?" I asked curiously.

Mello kept his gaze off me and faced the other way.

"I-it was my fault" a single tear ran down his cheek.

"I-I didn't want you to go to Japan... I suggested that me, you, Matt and Near could run away... You-you got hit by a car and..." He whipped his head around To face me "IT WAS MY FAULT AND I COULDN'T HELP YOU" tears poured out of his eyes.

Without thinking, I pulled Mello Into a hug.

"Don't ever say that it was your fault. I'm here now and I have finally met you again" I wiped away his tears.

He nodded and hugged me back.

"I missed you (F/N), so much" he whispered.

"I missed you too" I told him back.

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