Chapter 24

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Your POV

I've finally unpacked everything and L said he wanted me to meet someone.

"Konami, I would like you to meet someone, they were very important to you" L told me.

"Sure I guess, when will I meet them?" I questioned.

"Soon enough, I will take you to their rooms now if you like?" L suggested. I agreed and now I'm on my way to meet someone who I use to know. Who could it be? Is it the white haired boy from my flashbacks? Is it the brown haired boy?

Knock knock knock.

L knocked on the door. He then entered and I was in a boring room, however, it was full of random puzzles and toys....


"This is near" the old man with grey hair opened the bedroom door to see a boring room full of puzzles and toys, and in the centre of the room, there was a white haired boy, he was pale and was playing with finger puppets.

"Hello" I greeted shyly.

"Good evening" he spoke formally for a young child "would you like to play with me?" He held out a jigsaw.

I nodded and giggled.

"I think you two will get along just fine" The grey haired man chuckled and Left me and the albino in the room, finishing a jigsaw.

~end of flashback~

"N?" L called out.

"This room hasn't changed at all...." I whispered and smiled weakly.

"Good evening, L, what a nice surprise to see you here" a familiar white haired boy who goes by the name near appeared.

Near looked at me with huge eyes. 

"Hey, near, long time no see" I smiled, trying to make it look as none-insane as possible.

"(F/N)?" He looked at me surprised "L, does she remember?" He asked the detective in a monotone voice.

"Not really, although she does sometimes get flashbacks" L explained.

"Well, welcome back, X" near greeted me.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"So, I've heard you were in the asylum, care to explain?" Near smirked.

"Hehe, um...." I trailed off.

"When she was 16 she killed over 50% of her classmates, and as you know, she suffered amnesia before she left to japan" L explained to N.

"Oh yeah, I Remember that, you and Mello were with me in the hospital" I blurted out.

Near looked at me once again with wide eyes.

"It's so nice to have you back, X" I could see near was holding back tears. May I say, near crying is very out of character for him.

"L, is it okay if you leave me and Near by ourselves for a bit? I would like to re-meet him"

"I course" and with that L left.

"(F/N)" near muttered.

I looked over to him.

"Would you like to complete a puzzle with me?" Near emptied a jigsaw out onto the floor.

I chuckled.

"That's the same jigsaw we completed together when we were 7 years old" I smiled at the Albino who looked at me with a tiny smile.

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