Chapter 47

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Your POV

It was 11:00 and me and L were staying hidden at Mandory Lake. We are trying to find out more information on 'the unknown', or as we believe, Sam.

I watched as a middle aged man sat on a bench besides the Lake. Five minutes Later, a dark hooded figure....poured water on him? I didn't see what It was, but the victim screamed in pain.

The next action made by the murderer was a stab in the heart. 'The unknown' then went off, probably home.

"Let's investigate" I said to L as we sneaked up to the dead victim.

"What's the substance that the killer thrown over the victim?" L asked me.

"It's... Tea? It's approximate current temperature is around 150°. I guess the killer burns his victims with tea and then stabs them" I explained.

"It is quite odd. But that is another fact to support our belief for this case." L added.

~time skip~

"So, we know that the killer burns his victims with boiling hot tea and then stabs them. We know that Sam and the killer have gunshot wounds, which leads suspicion to Sam. What else?" L paused to think.

"I discovered something a while back. The order of the places he kills in, Sandburg Lane, Arky street and Mandory Lake. If you take the first letter of each other the area names, in the order he kills, it spells out: Sam" I explained my theory.

"You are correct with the statement, I discovered something of my own also" L looked at me with his big eyes.

"Tell me!" I smiled.

"Sam works at the cafe, the cafe closes at 11:00. The murder kills at or past 11:00" L said.

"I think that's all the information we need" I smirked.

"Maybe so, but we still need more evidence" L returned the smirk.

"WHY?! WE ARE DOING SO WELL!" I groaned.

"I know. But have you ever thought, what does Sam do with his dead bodies?" L hinted.

"Not really. He has always left them behind" I shrugged.

"But have we ever stayed around the murder scene long enough to know what happens to the dead bodies?" L questioned again.

"L you are a genius!" I hugged him.

"Thank you, you're quite intelligent yourself I must admit" L returned the hug and kissed me gently.

"So, tomorrow night at 11:00, we will go to Sandburg lane, okay?" L checked to make sure that it was okay.

"Yep!" I smiled. "So all we need to do is see what happens to the dead body?" I questioned.

"Yes, but for now, we will should go out food shopping, we don't have enough to last us a week" L said as he grabbed my hand and helped me off the sofa.

"What a gentleman!" I joked.

"Yes I am" L chuckled and picked me up bridal-style.

"Lawliet! What're you doing?" I burst out laughing "put me down!" I whined. L chuckled once more and placed me down carefully.

"Let get some food before we run out" I got back on topic and we walked hand in hand to the store.

~at the shop~

L pushed the trolley and I walked beside him, picking up random food that we might want to eat.

"Hmm.... (F/F) cake..." I muttered, placing a my favourite flavoured cake in the trolley.

"Lemon cheesecake" I murmured whilst placing that in the trolley too.

"Don't forget my strawberry shortcake!" L reminded.

I chuckled "here" I placed L's strawberry shortcake in the trolley.

"Okay, that's enough cake to last for a while I suppose. Let's get some sugar and tea!" I suggested and happily walked to the tea aisle.

"Okay... What tea should we get?" I asked L, looking upon the large row if different types of tea.

"Some black tea, earl grey tea, and maybe some plain tea" L put all the boxes of tea into the trolley.

"Don't forget the sugar!" I giggled and put two bags of sugar into the trolley.

"How could I forget" L smiled.

"Don't we need some sweets next?" I asked.

"Yes, it's at the aisle opposite to this one actually" L lead the way to the aid lull of sweets.

"Okay...So... We need This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this... And... This!" I smiled brightly as I looked at L innocently.

"Do we really need this much?" L sighed.

"Yes- AND THIS!" I threw another treat into the trolley.

"(F/N), do we really need wine gums, sherbet dips, a selection bag of Lollipops, a full sized chocolate bar, haribos, Jelly beans, nerds, Reese's pieces, KitKats, fruit pastels, Skittels and Hubba-Bubba-Bubble Gum?" L sighed.

"Uhhhh.... Yes?" I said nervously.

"well.... We clearly need more" L smirked.

"YES!" I squealed and me and L ran around the sweet aisle, grabbing random treats to shove into the trolley.

We later went to the counter to pay, the man was scanning the endless items we had bought.

"Okay," the man sighed, "that will be £60.79" the man looked at us weirdly.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Oh...uh sure, here" L awkwardly handed the man his money and we exited the shop.

"L! Did we seriously spend £60 on mainly sweets!" I laugh in hysterics.

"Yes we did.... YOU STARTED IT!" L called.

"What?! You carried it on buying sweets!" I argued and pouted like a child.

"I know, but you still started it" L chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "I'm only teasing, (F/N). When we get back home we can have some (F/F) cake" L smiled.

"okay" I chuckled.

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