Chapter 27

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Your POV

"Your living life so carefree here in England" I stated to Mello and Matt as we walked to the store.

"It feels nice not to have a Kira killing everyone over here, but you can never be too careful" Matt said.

"I know, it's a shame really that we have to worry about are actions more than needed" Mello added as the three of us walked into the store.

"Okay. We need cake, chocolate and a jigsaw" I spoke aloud.

"Why a jigsaw?" Mello sneered.

"I want to buy Near a new jigsaw, the two of you may not be friends, but I am friends with him" I looked Mello and Matt in the eye as I said this.

They nodded and after a while looking through the shop, we bought a (F/C), Mello and I's favourite chocolate and a jigsaw for near.

"How long are you staying at Wammy's  for (F/N)?" Mello questioned.

"Uhh, I'm not to sure, probably not long, a week stay at the longest, I'm still a detective and I need to work on the Kira case" I explained.

"I still can't believe that you have became a famous detective so quickly" Matt gasped "you've changed so quickly, first an orphan, then a killer, and now a detective" he added.

"People change quickly" I sigh. We reached Wammy's house again and went to Matt and Mello's room. 

"Guys, I'm gonna give Near his jigsaw an talk to him for a bit. I mean, I've spent most of today with you both" I informed.

"Okay" they said in unison as Mello went back to eating chocolate and Matt went back to playing video games. Just like how I greeted them. I giggled and walked to Near's room.

I knocked on the door and heard near mumble a quiet 'come in'. And when he said those words I entered the room.

"Near, I've bought you a new jigsaw" I smile weakly and walk over to the albino.

"Thank you (F/N). Your gift is appreciated" Near took the box from my hands and place it on a shelf full of jigsaws.

"Have you seen L? I would like to talk to him" I ask.

"He is in the office with Roger, I believe he wanted to speak to you also" Near played with a piece of his white hair.

"Thank you near" I happily thank him and go to Roger's office.

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