Chapter 51

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Your POV

I weakly stood up and made my way towards the cabinet opposite my hospital bed. I don't know why I have an issue walking, I only hurt my shoulder, right?

I looked down towards my legs. They were cut up and bruised.

"How?...." I muttered and sighed under my breath.

I decided to ignore the sharp pains going through my legs as I opened the cabinet.

Aren't these suppose to be locked?

Oh well.

I searched through the cabinet, unfortunately, there were no chemicals in there that I could use to make someone unconscious. Stupid hospital.

I sat back down into my hospital bed and pressed the assistance button. Time to put my plan into action.

Nurse Brailsford entered the room and smiled at me kindly.

"I there anything I can help you with?" She asks with a smile.

"Can you come here? I have an itch but my shoulder hurts a lot so I'm having trouble doing it" I lied.

"Of course" she walked over to me. "Where does it itch?"

"Here" I pointed at my neck.

She bent down slightly to help my 'itch' but I grabbed her throat.

"I'm sorry that I have to do this" I whispered in her ear. I strangled her until she passed out.

I don't want to kill her, I just want her unconscious. So all I did was 'trick' the brain into thinking that it has no oxygen, causing it to black out. That's why I only strangled her for a certain amount of time.

I stood up and took the keys from her pocket, the keys were labelled surprisingly.

'Room B014, supply room'

Luckily, that room is only two rooms away from here, so this makes the plan easier.

I snook out of my room and unlocked the supply room. It was full of different cleaning supply's, clothing and other things.

I grabbed a nurse outfit and changed into it. It was quite short to be honest, but it will do the trick. I hid my previous clothing under a box and re-locked the door as I struggled to get downstairs.

By the time succeeded to get downstairs, I mentally face-palmed myself once again as I realised the obvious.

I could've used the elevator

I sighed and made my way to A051. I tried my best to avoid all of the people, doctors and nurses.

I stopped and looked at the door labeled: 'A051'.

This better be the right room

I opened the door and saw a familiar raven-haired detective laying on a hospital bed.

"Ryuzaki?" I called.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Akiyama. Are you suppose to be in here?" L asked jokingly.

"Maybe~" I giggled.

L raised his eyebrow.

I sighed. "Nope. I had to knock a nurse unconscious to get over here" I chuckled.

L chuckled too. "I like that dress, it suits you. I'd love to see you in it more often" L smirked.

I looked down at what I was wearing. Ah. That's right, a super short, tight nurse outfit.

I glared at L. "In your dreams. I swear to god L the things I do for you" I said as I sat on a chair besides L's bed.

"Why did your inject me with morphine?" L brought up randomly.

"I could tell your leg was hurting. I wanted you to be okay." I stated emotionlessly.

"But you passed out-"

"What about it?" I stared at L.

"You ran out of morphine after you gave me some of it for my leg. You could've injected yourself with some instead if giving it to me" L looked at me with a serious look.

"That why I gave it to you. I was running low and you needed it-"

"(F/N), you passed out. You could've died from the shot or even blood-loss. You can't just be so reckless, You're always putting yourself in danger. It wasn't healthy to carry on fighting with an injury, you could be seriously hurt right now and-"

"Let me finish my fucking sentences" I sighed. "Look, you got shot, I got shot, you're in the hospital, so am I. I know I can be reckless but he was going to kill you or me, maybe even both of us. I would rather have an injury than be dead. Don't you agree?" I asked.

L nodded slowly.

"Exactly. I only got shot, nothing more"

"Getting shot is serious-"

"Serious my ass, I'm perfectly fine" I reassured.

L just shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"Promise not to do that ever again" L looked at me with his dark eyes. Them eyes full of warmth and kindness, but also full of mystery.

"Hmmmmmm I will have to think about that" I smiled innocently.

L just have me 'the look'.

"Fine" I gave in.

"Good, now get back to your hospital room before shit happens" L ordered.

"Lawliet, did you just swear?" I faked a gasp.

"Shut up and get out" L chuckled.

"Okay, See ya later" I kissed L's forehead and made my way back to my hospital room.

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