Chapter 16

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Your POV

I jumped out of the window.
I pulled up the good on my black jacket and I ran to the studio.

I know that this kira had the Shinigami eyes, but even if he/she can see my name, they can't see my face.

When I reached the studio the glass doors were broke.


I ran inside and a man started demanding answers from me.

"Hey! Who are you? Get out!"

"I suggest that you get out" I said calmly, "I am detective Konami, a member of L's task force, I suggest you get on the floor and leave me to do my job" I said whilst casually pulling a gun from my jacket and pointed it towards him,

He shakily stepped to the side as I walked into a room full of TV's and Chief Yagami was shouting at the people playing the video.

"This is happening because you chose to make Kira a celebrity! Your getting exactly what you deserve!" Soichiro shouted at a man with tinted yellow glasses.

"Chief Yagami! What are you doing outside of the hospital?" I asked the man.

"Why aren't you with the others?" Soichiro asked.

"I will explain later," I turned to look at the men working the broadcast "I WANT EVERY SINGLE COPY YOU HAVE OF THE KIRA TAPES! DONT MAKE ME ASK AGAIN!" I ordered.

the man with the glasses backed up and went Into his bag and me and Soichiro glared daggers at him as he spoke.

"Jesus! Your acting like mad people!" The man screeched. that....

"I need to speak to ryuzaki" Soichiro said over the phone whilst I handled the men.

I heard muttering down the phone and Soichiro responded "that's right, I couldn't just sit and watch, me and Konami confiscated all of the tapes, we will bring them to you" Soichiro explained.

"What about your condition? Are you alright?" I just heard L say through the phone.

"He is more then alright! You should've seen him!" I shouted and chuckled from my position.

"I'm feeling just fine! To be honest with you to be honest with your don't think if felt more alive" mr Yagami smirked down the phone "but how should we get out? We could use the police can again but-"

"I'm trusting that Konami can help with that, she got in without a problem" L said "please hold the phone"

"Konami? Have you got the tapes?" Soichiro asked me.


"Do you know a way out?"

"Heh.... L always has a solution.... He is probably coming up with something now"

"Give the phone to Konami" L said down the phone to the chief.

He nodded and handed me the phone.

"Hehehe, sup Ryuzaki?" I chuckled.

"I need a serious discussion with you later, but for now, listen to my plan: in exactly five minutes I want you and the chief to go to the front if the building"

"Okay! Ah ryuzaki, you know I hate to play safe" I said down the phone.

"Well if you want to live do as I say" L said firmly.

I hung up and me and Soichiro walked slowly to the front entrance. This was risky... Our footsteps echoed, making me feel slightly nervous, but If anything, I will learn one thing from the experience....

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