Chapter 15

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Your POV

I'm bored

I changed out of my pyjamas into some black boots, black skinny jeans and and oversized, long sleeved (F/C) shirt.

"-we haven't found her body yet, if we did it might provide us with some much needed physical evidence" I heard L say to Aizawa, matsuda and Ukita.

I was about to step into the room until Watari beat me to it....

"Ryuzaki, something seems to be happening, on Sakura TV"

The TV was then switched on and Sakura TV was playing.

"In other words, all of the reporters and staff here are kira's hostages. Aside from that we have a professional obligation to share this message with you, I assure you that this is not a hoax and that Sakura TV is not airing this tape for the purposes of sensationalism"

"Ryuzaki?" I said stepping from behind the door.

L paused the TV and everyone turned to face me.

"Can I go and see Light?" I asked, "you see, I'm really bored and-"

"You cannot go to see Light until he is cleared from suspicion. If you do go to see Light, then I'd go with you, but currently I am working, feel free to help" L said.

I sighed and took a seat next to Aizawa.

"4 days ago our program director here at Sakura TV received 4 tapes. And after a thorough examination, there is no doubt that they are from Kira himself...."

"The first tale we received contained a prediction regarding the time if death of two suspected criminals who'd recently been arrested. And as predicted, at the exact time Kira had specified, both men died suddenly of heart attacks yesterday."

"Kira has instructed us to air the second tape today at exactly 5:59pm. And we do Intend to comply with his demands"

They talked some more before playing the video.

The words kira appeared on the screen and instead of instantly being greeted by the sound of kira's voice, we heard silence, and the rustling of what seems to be papers.

An edited voice cleared the throat before speaking.

"I am Kira, if this video was being aired on April 18th on exactly 5:59pm as I requested, then the time now is 5:59-47-48-49. Please change the Channel to Taiyou TV. The news anchor will die from a heart attack at exactly 6:00"

"Change it!" L ordered.

We looked at the screen in shock. It seemed like a pretty cute channel with calm music, but the fact that news anchor was laying dead in his seat, changed the whole atmosphere that it was suppose to be.

Everyone gasped.

"It can't be...." Matsuda said.

People from behind the camera rushed over to the news anchor and shook him, not believing that he was dead.

"How could he!" Ukita said with an angry expression.

"Change the channel back" L demanded "and I need to bring another TV Watari, no, make it two" L kept a straight expression.

"Yes" and like that, Watari left.

"-I will present you with another Victim, my next target is-"

After a while of Kira proofing his point me and L demanded something in sync.

"STOP THIS BROADCAST! WE CANT LET HIM FINISH!" We said at the same time.

Matsuda rushed to the phone.

"It's no good" Aizawa grunted holding the phone up to his ear "I'm trying but none of my contacts at the station have their phones on"

"Nobody's picking up! Not the reception either!" Matsuda added.

Ukita ran out of the room and left to stop the broadcast in person.

"People of the world, please listen to me, the last thing I want to do is kill the innocent. I hate evil and love justice, I've always though as the police as alias, not enemies" Kira spoke.

L sat on his chair looking stressed, bring his thumb.


"Yes, X?"

"This is a second Kira....." I spoke, nearly in a whisper.

On the TV, I was nearly in tears by what I saw.

"UKITA!" I screamed.

There on the TV Infront of me, Ukita was laying dead on the floor.

Aizawa gasped.

"As you can see, someone has collapsed just outside the door. Again we are coming to you live from the Sakura TV building."

"Ukita.....damnit..... Kira did this!" Aizawa was about to run out if the door until L stopped him.

"Me Aizawa!" L said.

He stopped.

"Where are you going?"

"Where do ya think?!" Aizawa responded "I've gotta go there!"

"You can't, please think about this rationally" I told the stressed man.

"What?! You want me to just sit here and watch TV?!" He shouted.

"If this truly is the work of Kira you'll only face the same fate if you go there" L explained.

"You told us Kira couldn't do this without a name! So how could this happen?" Aizawa shouted.

It all makes sense.....

There is a second Kira.....

I rushed to my room and grabbed my laptop.

The Kira document.


I began typing into my laptop.

It only made sense that there is a second Kira, my prediction is right. There is only one way for Kira to know the names of the people by just looking.....

This Kira had the Shinigami eyes.

I know for a fact that light is Kira. Although, Light is intelligent enough to know better than to exchange Half of his life span just for Shinigami eyes. And he also definitely wouldn't kill innocent people just to prove a point.....


He would kill criminals.....

So who is this second Kira?

Well, to answer that I need to answer many more questions.

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