Chapter 5

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"sometimes being insane helps in this world" (F/N) said before leaving the room.

Damn, she is a mystery, even with the information that I found out, I can't really get too much from it.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some cookies and left to to my room. I sat at the desk and nibbled on the cookies whilst searching for information on Kira.

"then why has a 'reasonably' smart girl already solved the Kira case?"

Her words repeated in my head. Surely thats impossible. How has that girl solved the case before me? She hasn't even been working on the case for as long as I have.

"(F/N) (M/N) (L/N)...." I muttered as I searched the psycho's name into the google search bar.

'PSYCHO-MURDERER GIRL KILLS OVER 20 PEOPLE AT THE AGE OF 16' the title of a news story pops of for a link.

I click the link and a whole news article shows up on a website.


On February 13th, 16 year old (F/N) (L/N) murdered nearly all of the members in her form class in Daikoku Private Academy. Out of all 30 students, only 4 survived, but suffered from many stab wounds, broken bones, and more. She also attended Gamou Prep Academy, where she was suppose to be doing exams.

I carried in reading through the news article, but something caught my eye.

Apparently, her real family left her at the young age of 7, which made her homeless. However, she was soon took into the Wammy's house, an orphanage for special children. She was adopted at the age of 10 and left to go to live in Japan with her new family. Although, she got involved in an accident and suffered amnesia, so she ended up having no memory of the first 10 years of her life.

"She went to the Wammy's house?" I whispered to myself.

Your POV

*Knock knock*

I growled slightly to myself and stood up. I opened up the bedroom door to see L.

"What" I nonchalantly whisper whilst rubbing my eyes "I just took a nap" I groaned.

"I want to learn more about you, and I think you need to learn more about you too" he monotonously said.

"come in then" I muttered and left the door open for him as I walked into my room.

I sat on my bed in my usual slouched position. I took a lollipop from my pocket and stuck it into my mouth.

L sat opposite me in his strange seating position and he began talking.

"Where are your parents?" He asked.

I was silent for a moment before answering "I'm not sure, nor do I really care. They left me as soon as I turned 13, I only remember living for a certain amount of time with them...."

Everything turned silent before I started going....a bit.....insane.....


Everything was silent.

We'll it was....

(F/N) started off with a little giggle, but after a few minuets, it escalated to an insane, crazy laughing fit.

"Hehe.... Why do I care?.... I mean...look at me!.... The are- hehe, missing out!"

She began laughing historically and I just stared at her in shock.

"HEHE, look what they're missing out on! Look what ALL of them are missing out on! HAHA, they missing out on an insane Psychopath! A murderer! Who wouldn't want to be with a monster?"

She just kept laughing.

And laughing.

And laughing.

What is she doing? She really is mental....


She instantly stopped and stared at me with a creepy smile.

"Yes?......" She creepily hissed.

"Those people weren't your parents, you were adopted from the Wammy's house, your real parents left you when you where 7" I stated emotionlessly, as hard as the truth was, she needed to know.

She paused for a moment and looked at her hands. She clenched her fists and I could see tears in her pretty (E/C) eyes.

I'm a detective, I'm solving the hardest case I've ever done, I need to focus on the case, not a girl.

She inhale and exhale.

"I don't even know the people, they are useless to me anyway, what have they done for me?" She muttered to herself.

I carried on watching her and it's as if she was talking to someone. But she isn't talking to me.

"I know R......" The rest was barely a whisper and she kept nodding to herself or shaking her head.

Is she trying to say Ryuk? He said that name in the car recently. Is it a ghost? A Shinigami?

"I think I'm going to try and sleep, if you want any help with the Kira case, bring me cookies and I will wake up instantly" she chuckled slyly and pulled her duvet over her body.

"Goodnight (F/N)" I said to the girl as I stood up to leave the room.

"Good-night mr detective" she mocked.

I smiled as soon as I left her room.

Mr detective I though to myself I kind of like that coming from her.

In fact,

There is possibly a chance that I like her.

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