Chapter 20

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Your POV

"I'm happy to say that I have found Kira, to all of the people at the Television station and the police department, I'd like to thank you very much." The second Kira tape spoke.

All of us gasped and began chatting in worry.

"At this point I don't think we should jump to any conclusions. The second Kira is only saying that he found him nothing more"

"Correction!" I exclaimed.

Everyone looked at me expectantly.

"Like I said before L, I will give hints but not answers.... The second Kira is female" I stated "like you Said yourself, never jump to any conclusions." I pointed out.

Everyone looked at me shocked.

"How would you know? Your just a psychopath!" Aizawa argued.

"Yes, I may be a psychopath, but i'm a psychopath that can see Shinigami, and I found someone with a Shinigami on the 22nd. Also, if someone else has-" I paused, I can't say death note...."a Shinigami, then you cannot see their lifespan. So there is my evidence on the second Kira. She is female. That is final" I crossed my arms.

"Care explaining it fully?" L sipped his tea.

"With Shinigami eyes, you can see the lifespan and real name of any person. However, you cannot see the lifespan of people with a Shinigami/Shinigami eyes. Just like Kira and second Kira, I will not be able to see their lifespan, just like they can't see mine." I explained.

"Well done, Konami" L stirred his tea, "I'm glad you told us all"

"Anyway, The second Kira is only saying that she found the real Kira, nothing more. She may not have made contact yet" L looked up from his tea.

"Now that it had come to this," L slurped his tea, "we have no choice but to communicate as the police directly to the second Kira."

"You wanna send a message?" Matsuda questioned.

"Yes. The police need to reach out to the copycat and offer her a deal. We need to negotiate  with him to see if we can get kira's real name" L said.

"Hehehe, that's the last thing you wanted to hear, right?" Ryuk chuckled to light.

Light must know by now that I know he is Kira, he's not cautious around me at all.

"Hehe.... I know who Kira is too!" I smiled.

"Tell us!" Matsuda said.


"Jesus, Konami, it's like this is a game to you!" Aizawa shouted.

"Oh....but it is....." I smiled creepily.

~time skip~

Me and light were at his house, eating a few pieces of cake and watching the TV.

"Light, would you kill the second Kira?" I asked him as we stared at his TV.

"What do you mean? I'm not-"

"Light. We are both intelligent enough to know that I know you are Kira. You can trust me, I haven't told anyone" I chuckled.

"I suppose so" he sighed.

"Ah light!" I looked at him.


"It looks like your little friend is here" I smirked.

The doorbell rang. Just on time.

"Light!" We hear Sayu call.

"Heh, light, I will wait here, but whatever I sat, go along with it" I give him a serious look.

He nods and exits his room to go downstairs.

Light opened his door and came in with a blonde haired girl.

"Please, have a seat" he gestured to his office chair.

"Oh, um, thank you" she sat down.

Light sat next to me on the bed.

"How did you find me?" Light asked.

"I knew it! You never made the Shinigami eye deal!" She gasped.

"Hey Rem!" I waved towards Rem.

"Good evening, (F-"

"Call me Konami" I demanded.

"Okay, good evening Konami" Rem said in her deepish voice.

"Huh? You can see rem?" She asked.

"I have the eyes too, dumbass" I rolled my eyes.

"How? You don't have a Shinigami" she pouted.

"I was born with it" I said simply.

Maybe she's born with it!
Maybe it's maybeline! XD

"Anyway, when you have Shinigami eyes like I do, you can see most peoples names-"

"Konami already explained" Light stated. "Well, now you've managed to find me, but you were careless, what if you'd been caught by the police? Then they'd know everything about Kira" light glared.

"It's alright! Because the police didn't catch me. And if I do a you say from now on, they'd never be able to. So we're safe. After all, don't you need someone to see L's name? If you want, I could be your eyes, so-"

I got up and smacked her across the face.

"Don't even lay a finger on L. Or write his name. Or it will be the end of you....." I growled.

"Konami, I like you and all but I wouldn't do that again if I were you, otherwise, your name will be in my notebook" Rem glared.

"But Rem...." I looked at the Shinigami, "it will happen to you"

Yes. I know about Jealous. He was an awesome Shinigami and he died Because he fell in love with a human. To be exact, due to the facts, that's specific human was Misa Amane. That's why she has this notebook....

"So What?" Light carried on glaring at the girl, ignoring my previous actions.

"Would you please make me your girlfriend?" She blushed.

Light gasped.

I nodded at light and looked back at Misa.

"I'm sorry, but he is currently dating me" I looked at Misa.

"Anyway, if I was to be your boyfriend, it's impossible, the day you and I were in town there was three times the usual number of surveillance cameras around. And anyone who was in town on the 22nd would've definitely been caught on camera, that includes me. If you and I were seen together it wouldn't look very good, In fact, even being ere together now is a problem. I wish you'd understand that" light excused.

"But look! These are pictures of me when I went to town that day" she handed over photos of her with short black air, glasses, contacts in, and different clothes.

"A-and what about your fingerprints? All those tapes you sent to the TV station, they all had the same fingerprints on them" light carried on making excuses.

"but those aren't my fingerprints, it's not like I do these things without thinking about them first!" He carried on talking about god knows what. Her voice is so annoying!

"And this friend you made the tapes with? Where is she now?" Light asked.

"Why are you doing this to me? If you want me to kill her just say so and I'll kill her!" She shouted "If you really sill can't trust me, then here" she handed light her death note. "I'll leave and let you hold on to my death note, but you'll just be holding it, so I'd still be the rightful owner of it which means I get to keep my Shinigami eyes" she explained "isn't that right rem?" She asked for approval.

"Yes that's right" Rem agreed.

I swear to god I will gauge out her eyes if it means getting rid if her Shinigami eyes permanently. I won't let her kill L.... I just can't....

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