Chapter 12

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Your POV

"Why do you always wear the same clothes L?" I asked him as we entered the car, we were on our way to the tennis match.

"That doesn't matter, There is nothing wrong with my clothing like you said yesterday. It's not like that you're wearing anything better" he mumbled and put his thumb on his lip.

I was wearing (F/C) nikes, black jeans and a (F/C) baggy Long-sleeved shirt.

"My outfit is fine, and at least I don't always wear the same clothes-"

"But you wear the same colours, so far since I've know you, you always wear black and (F/C)" L said.

I rolled my eyes and before I knew it, we were at the tennis court.

As soon as I looked at the tennis court my head began hurting. A strong, sharp pain began growing at the back of my head. I hissed, not wanting to bring attention to were me and L was.



And forth.


And forth.

Forehand. Backhand. Forehand. Backhand.

"(F/N) is on a roll! She doesn't even look like she is trying! We can see here that Caroline is struggling to keep up! Who knew that for a 10 year old she could be so quick!" A loud, booming, deep voice said through the microphone.

There were cheers in the crowd. Some cheering for me. And some cheering for the girl, Caroline.




"Caroline has missed the hit! That makes miss (F/N) (L/N) winner of this years, Top 5 British annual tennis match!"

~end of flashback~

"Are you okay, (F/N)?" L seemed to have noticed

"I-I guess......"

"hey Hoshimi! Hey Ryuga" Light waved at us. We wave back and walked over to him.

"I'm surprised Ryuga and Hoshimi, I never thought you would suggest tennis as a way to get to know each other" Light said. I could see Ryuk was behind him and I gave him a tiny wave.

The two of them carried on talking but something in the convocation caught my attention.

"It's been awhile but at one time I was actually the British Junior champion" L stated calmly.

"What about you Hoshimi? Have you ever played tennis?" Light asked politely.

"Uh, apparently, I use to be in the top 5 tennis players at my old home in Britain..... It has been along time I must admit" you rubbed the nape of your neck shyly.

"What place where you in?" Light asked.

"1st......" I muttered. I hated people knowing things about me. It just scared me. And I don't want people to have high expectations of me either....also, I can barely remember my past life, why was I suppose to tell them?

"Wow! That's pretty amazing, well, where you both raised in the UK?" Light asked.

"I live in England for about 5 years when I was younger, but save your breath, nothing in that story would reveal L's true identity I promise you" L Muttered.

"What about you, Mitsu?" Light turned to me.

"Uhh, well....about that....."

"She lived in England for ten years until she left to live here in japan. Although, she doesn't remember those 10 years because she was in some sort of accident and got amnesia. So she doesn't remember around 50% of her life" L explained.

Thanks L.

I gave L a thankful look and he returned it with an understanding nod.

"Then how does she remember the tennis match? She said it was in Britain?"

L looked at me with a confused look.

"I-I'm not to sure.... When I looked at the tennis court my head just began hurting and I just saw-"

"You had a flashback?" L asked.

"Yeah, I guess"

"Then seeing things that you liked/hated in you past might trigger memories, please tell me if you do" L muttered.

I nodded in understanding.

"Anyway, who want to go first?" Light asked as we stopped at a section of the tennis court.

"Mitsu can go first, I'm going to watch for a moment" L muttered as he sat on a bench.

"You can serve" Light said and he threw me the tennis ball. I skill-fully caught it with on hand.

"You ready, I'm-a-gay?" You chuckled evilly.

"Of course I am Lolli" he smirked.

Without hesition I hit the ball with a strong forehand. It sped all the way over to Light and you could see I his face that he wasn't expecting something like that coming from me.

He dodged it and I could hear Ryuk laughing.

"How does it feel to be already beaten by a girl light?" Ryuk was laughing.

I grinned deviously and this time I let Light serve.

He hit it powerfully, but I managed to hit it back swiftly. It went on like this for a bit before I hit it really hard. Light missed and I won the game.

"HA! TAKE THAT I'M-A-GAY!" I laughed.

"Ugh, I let you win!" Light playfully punched me.

"My turn, since this is our first match, why don't we play a single set, let's say first one to...6?" L asked boing the ball.

"That's fine by me" light got ready in the appropriate stance. He had a determined look on his face and L was still calmly bouncing the ball. He looked deep on thought.

"HOY!" Suddenly, L hit the ball powerfully and Ryuk clumsily dodged as it went past light and hit the fence.

"15 love" L called.

Heh, first point to L.

"Woah, Ryuga, you sure don't mess around" Light slightly hulled with a shocked expression on his face.

~time skip~

"Hey! Ryuga, I wanna play a match!" I called.

Light swapped with me and sat down. I walked over to were light was and got ready.

"First to 3?" I asked.

L nodded and hit the ball and I speedily hit it back with equal force. It went in like this for a while before I accidentally missed.

"15 love" L called.

"Oh stop flirting!" I joked.

I served the ball and hit it with all the strength I could, and just like light, L missed.

"15 love!" I called out.

"Stop flirting!" L mimicked my actions before.

"Oh stop L!" I pouted and he served. I hit it and once again it went in for a long time before we tied scores.

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