Chapter 39

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Your POV

"I thought you died" L looked at me shocked.

"Well to be honest, of course you would, it was a high chance that I would die. It was risky" I murmured "and if I'm faking my death of course I'm going to have to at least seem dead" I added.

"Explain" near stared at me expressionless.

"Fine. L, you were right. Kira was going to probably kill you soon and I couldn't let that happen. So I decided that when my mother stabbed me it would be best to fake my death and save you before it's to late.

When my mum stabbed me I injected myself with Tetrodotoxin, it could either kill me, or make me seem dead for an unspecific amount of time. I would say I was lucky with this one, surviving was small chance. That's why I told you to leave me at the bridge, if I were to be in a coffin I would suffocate and if you were to burn me then, obviously, I would die. So I got a plane back to Japan and finished the case. And now we are here" I explained.

"Why do you carry toxins and knives with you?" L asked with a weird expression.

"I have a lot of weird stuff that I carry around, it's been in good use, I have used two different types of medical injections and knives that have been used so far so it's working" I smile insanely. matter what I never loose that insane side of me.

"Well I'm glad your alive" near sighed. I looks at Near and back to L. He just stared at me with his big, dark eyes. I missed him so much.

I didn't even realise until now that L was hugging me. He had me wrapped up in his arms and he had his chin on top of my head. I missed his warmth. He smells like delicious delights and sweet strawberries.

I returned the hug. This made me feel truly safe. And the best thing about this is that we know that Misa and Light are going to be punished and locked away. This world has been made a bit more safer.

"I love you" he mumbled into my ear.

I had to hold back a blush. But I could feel my face burning.

"I love you too" I smiled slightly.

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