Chapter 9

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Your POV

"Why did Mr Yagami's song just hug you?...." A familiar voice said from behind you.

"L, we are just friends, if I didn't know better I would think that you like me" I joked and chuckled as I turned around to face the detective.

"That would be ridiculous" he muttered, "I'm just worried because I suspect that he is Kira" L informed.

"Hehehe, do you have evidence?" I giggled insanely.

"Not currently, although I do feel like something is a bit odd about him" L bit his thumb "however, I've sent Some people round to each of the Task-force members houses, I've discovered with an experiment that Kira has access to our private documents, which means that Kira is living with someone in the task-force." L explained.

"I'm bored, I'm going to out for food, feel free to come" I invited as I put on my shoes.

"Oh, uh, okay" L muttered, he was about to leave the house when.....

"Put some shoes on" I blocked the doorway.

"Impossible, I do not own any" he replied.

"I'm not moving from here until- ARGH RYU PUT ME DOWN" I squirmed as L put me over his shoulder. He is actually very strong....

"Let's go" he yawned and carried me to the elevator.

"What was that about?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked at Me.

"You don't weigh that much you know, (F/N). And you have a nice figure...." He muttered whilst looking you up and down.

"" I honestly didn't know how to reply.

The elevator door opened and we both exited the building and began walking to the cafe.

~time skip~

I looked into the creamy, light tea as I held your cup tightly with two hands, my jacket sleeves reaching my knuckles and I was sat in a slouched postition.

"Konami" L spoke my alias softly. 

"Hmm?" I hummed in response and looked up at L.

He didn't say a word, but instead, he held out a piece of his double-chocolate-chip-cookie to me. I smiled and I opened my mouth as he placed the soft cookie inside. I chewed quietly and took a sip of my sugary tea.

"Do you want to do anything after coffee?" I asked.

"You said we were going out for food..... So I know the perfect place" he did his adorable tiny smile.

I returned the smile and took another sip if my tea.

"Let's get going then, I want to see what it is you want to show me" I giggled.

L nodded and we began walking towards the unknown place.

"So Konami, have you ever had friends?" L asked me awkwardly.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't take offence to that but I will answer, yes, I had quite alot actually, well, that was until I murdered them all, but that was their fault I suppose" I shrugged.

"Can I trust you not to kill me?" L asked.

"Hmmm, maybe, maybe not" I smirked at him.

He jus stared at me with wide eyes.

"Heh, just kidding, you can trust me" I did a closed eye smile.

"We're here" we stopped at an old looking shop. I couldn't make out the writing on the shop sign.

"Uhhh okay..." I didn't question where he was taking me.

We walked inside and a little bell went off. It's was... A sweet shop? I looked around and they had everything. Lollipops, fizzy drinks, chocolate, fudge, cakes, cookies, liquorice, sherbet, slushes, gummy sweets and more, it was just..... Sweet heaven.


"I know, buy anything you want, we need a refill on sweets" L smiled.

And from there, we ran around the shop picking up random things. My arms and his arms were full with a variety of different sweets.

We walked over to the counter and dumped everything on there.

"We would like to buy this please" L said.

What felt like an eternity, we finally made our way out of the shop with a load if sweets.

"I can't wait to eat these when I get home!" I smiled as me and L make our way back to the apartment.

"Konami, you know, you've changed a lot since getting out of the asylum, you don't do them odd giggles as much now. I think to be cured from your mental state, all you needed was a bit of freedom" L said to me.

I give him another smile. If only he knew that it's because of him that I am the way I am now.

"I guess your right, you should still stay aware, this might just be a one time thing" I flashed him a creepy smile with my ordinary insane giggle.

"Never mind.... I take back what I said" L chuckled as we reached the apartment building.

~time skip~

"I WANT TO EAT ALL THE SWEETS" I shouted as I jumped onto the sofa along with my huge bag of sweets.

"Calm down, I don't want you to break the sofa" L chuckled.

Oh that chuckle....

L sat down beside me on the sofa with his bag of sweets.

"What did you get?" I asked casually as I emptied my bag onto my lap.

"A lot..... Gummy sweets, cookies.... Some other things too" L emptied his bag of sweets into his lap also, "what should we watch?" L said scrolling through the TV menu.

"Anything really, I've got sweets so in fine" I slouched in my seat and bit into a cupcake.

"Well, I've got you, so I'm fine also....." L muttered.

"What was that sorry? I didn't hear you." I asked.

"Nothing, let's watch this"

We both slouched into our seats and ate a load of sweets as well. We spent the rest of the night like that, eating and watching TV.

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