Chapter 21

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(F/C) is favourite cake

Your POV

Okay, I'm back with L. My insider with Misa and Light ended just as I expected, Light is now going to act as misa's boyfriend. Of course, it's obvious that Light is going to use Misa, he is serious about this whole justice things after all.

Heh....he's so sly....but smart too....

"We just received a new video message from the second Kira" L said to Light after greeting him politely.

"Huh? Wow that didn't take long" Light walked over to our small group.

"Yes, I believe it's the last one...well, take a look at this" Light pressed play on the remote he was holding in his hand.

"I've decided to stop searching for Kira, and I'd like to thank the police department for their advise. However, I still plan to help Kira in his mission. And I hope that, in time, he will come to see me as..."

As Misa, aka, second Kira carried on talking in the video, I couldn't help but drift off about a certain someone...

Why am I thinking of L?
Why only just now?
What does this mean?

"I think Kira and the second Kira have made contact" L spoke.

"What makes you say that?" Light practically glared.

"Oh come on... Didn't you sense it? I was sure you'd come to the same conclusion I did after watching this once through" L bit into his snack as began speaking with his mouth full, "first, consider how determined she was to meet Kira, so why the sudden change of heart? Now she wants to punish criminals that Kira hasn't! And all he wants out of it is for Kira to see..."

Again, L went on and on. I want to go out somewhere, I'm tired of being in the same places all the time....

~time skip~

"Thank you L~" I sang slightly as I hugged L.

"It's no issue, I understand what you mean when you feel trapped since your always in the same places. So take this as a break, a day off almost" L said as we got into the car.

"Where should we go?" I aske curiously.

"You can choose, I won't protest"

"Can we go to a cafe first?" I asked with a closed eye smile.

"Of course" L returned the smile, although his was cute and adorable.

As always.

~at the cafe~

"What do you want Ryuzaki?" I asked him as I took out my money, getting ready to pay.

"Hmm, strawberry cheesecake and some tea, don't forget the seven sugars" L mumbled.

"Of course" I chuckled.

"Hello? Can I take your order?" A man at the counter said.

"A strawberry cheesecake, two cups of tea and (F/C) please" I smiled "oh, and seven sugars in each cup of tea too"

The man looked shocked before nodding, "Okay, here is your table number, we will be at the table soon" the man said as me and L made our way to table 12.

"So, Konami, give me some hints" L sat down.

"Well, Ryuzaki, that's definitely something you wouldn't say" I chuckled "but sure, ask me anything"

"Have you met this second Kira?"


"Are they a threat?"


He rolled his eyes "what is the person's name?" He asked.

"I can't tell you that, but she is defiantly well known" I hinted.

"Here Are your things" the waiter placed a tray with out food and drinks on.

We thank him and me and L both instantly dig into our cake.

"Where do you want to go after this?" I asked whilst chewing my cake.

"Hmm, I'm not to sure." He pauses "in fact... I do have a place in mind" his eyes light up.


"I'm not telling you. But after this, we are going straight to the apartment and make sure you pack your stuff, be up by 7:00am" L instructed.

"Tell me where we're going" I demanded.


I growled and rolled my eyes. I swear to god... This man sometimes....

"Konami, what are your opinions on Light Yagami?" L asked with a curious glint in his dark eyes.

It's probably for the Kira case.

"He's alright I suppose, but do you wanna know a secret?" I leaned over to him.


"I know for a fact that Light Yagami is Kira, I can bet my life on it" I smirked at L.

"Is that so? Well, it definitely makes sense, you are intelligent enough to realise that he is Kira" L sipped his tea.

"Thank you, I appreciate your awareness" I chewed on some of my (F/C) cake.

~after the cafe~

"I want to take you somewhere" I grabbed L's hand and I swear I felt a spark as I dragged him down the street.

"And where would this place be?" L struggled to keep up with me.

"I will tell you where I'm taking you as soon as you tell me why I need to pack for tomorrow" I smirked.

"Okay, you need to pack for tomorrow because we are going somewhere" L chuckled.

"Well played, Ryuzaki"

"Thank you, Konami"

"Here we are!" I stopped and gestured to the unknown destination.

"You've took a car store?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Duh, come on" I lead him inside of the shop.

"Hey, Johnny! How's it goin'?" I waved at the old friend.

"Hey dude! I thought you weren't suppose to be out for another few years but I'm not gonna complain! So, what brings you here?" He leaned against the counter.

"Me and my friend would like to use two of your fastest cars, and the race-track" I smirked.

"Ah, (F/N), you were always the best at racing, may I join you?" Johnny smirked.

"Of course, old pal!" I patted his shoulder.

Heh.... I hope L can drive!

I sorta decide to do something different since most authors decide to go to theme parks and stuff like that, so I hope your okay with the fact that I'm making you have an epic car race with the one and only L Lawliet! XD
why did i write this please help

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