Chapter 8

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Your POV

"So what do you think I should get her?" Light asked as we walked calmly to the shopping centre.

"A knife" I said casually.

He turned his head to face me and give me a shocked look. I looked back at him, but with an insane smile.


"I don't know, do I look like the type of person who likes romance? I've had around 1 maybe 2 boyfriends my whole life and they were shit" I explained.

"You've only had 2 boyfriends?" He asked as if it was the most unbelievable thing in the world.

I nodded and Light kept questioning me.

"Who was your first boyfriend?"

"Hiroto, We started going out when I was 12"

"Who was your second boyfriend?"

"Kobe, he Was the main reason I went insane"


"I will tell you when we aren't in public" I stated.

"Here we are" light gestured to the huge shopping centre ahead of us.

We entered and it was crowded, but not too crowded.

"What shops do you wanna go into loverboy" I joked.

"Uhh, I'm not sure....." Light looked at me.

"Don't expect an answer from me, I can only remember the name of one shop and I don't think that shop will help us out right now"

"What shop?" He asked.

"Tasty treats, it was a sweet shop from around were I use to live, but mainly for cake" I instantly began thinking back on all the delicious cakes I had tried back at that cake shop....

And then I mentally face-palmed.

"Describe this girl to me, what is her name? What does she like to do? Give me some sort of picture?" I suggested.

"Misa-Amane, model, blonde hair, makeup...." He then showed me a picture from his phone.

"Hmmmm....." I paused to think "maybe a new choker? Some shoes? New perfume? New hair bows? A card?" I names a list of things.

"I suppose that's alright" lift shrugged his shoulders.

"Then let's get shopping my dear friend!" I jumped on his back enthusiastically and he nearly fell over from the unexpected weight.

Light's POV

Lolli jumped on my back and I stumbled slightly, but I kept my balance.

First we went into a shop called "Corrie's gift shop'. It was full of different types of cards, scented candles, little bears, chocolates and more.

"Get her a candle, everyone loves scented candles" the girl ordered.

I picked up a vanilla frosting scented candle and put it in the basket.

"What else?" I asked.

She paused in thought and grabbed my hand.

"Get a tiny bear charm thingy" she dragged me over to an aisle.

"Like this one!" She held up a cute, 6 inch black toy bear that was holding a little red heart.

"Isn't this a bit cheesy?" I asked.

She just gave me a look that said: do I care?

I kept my mouth shut as we carried in looking around.

~time skip~

Your POV

"Get this gift bag" I handed him a pink and white polka-dotted gift bag.

"Do we not need a card?" Light asked.

"You will make your own" I demanded. He didn't argue and we silently walked over to the checkout.

"£39.00 please" the woman said nonchalantly.

Light handed her the money and we left the shop with everything in a bag.

"Thank god that's over-"

"We aren't done yet" I interrupted.

"Whaaaaaa?!?!" He pouted.

"Your the one who wants to use her, you butt" I punched his arm jokingly and dragged him into another shop.

"Get her a perfume, typical girls, especially models, love perfume" I suggested.

He sighed and nodded and we went around the shop trying to find a decent smelling perfume.

"What about this one?"

I sprayed the perfume on my wrist and let it settle before letting Light smell the perfume on my wrist.

"it smells quite nice, what's it called?" He asked.

"douce fraise gâteau" I chuckled "typical girl...."

"Why? What does it mean?" Light raised an eyebrow.

"douce fraise gâteau if French for sweet strawberry cupcake" I explained.

He nodded and we agreed to buy the perfume.

"Wait!" I shouted

"What nowwww???" He whined.

"We still need makeup, a choker and hair bows! They will have accessories and makeup over there" I pointed to the makeup aisle.

Light groaned and I giggled at his lack of energy.

"Come on!" I dragged him along.

~time skip~

"Finally! That took so long!" Light said as we made our way back to my bedroom.

"I know! The asylum wasn't as boring as that!" I joked. I turned the doorknob for my bedroom door and opened it up.

"Put the bags over there, we should get preparing" I said.

Light nodded and put the bags down, I got some scissors, some Sellotape, a pen, card-paper, glue and other crafty things from my desk and put them on the floor with the bags.

Me and light sat opposite wahoo her on the floor and he took out the first thing from the bag.

"How do I wrap perfume?" Light took the perfume out of the box fiddled with the bottle.

"You keep it in the box dumbass" I joked.

"Oh" he chuckled and I laughed.

Light wrapped the perfume and I wrapped the makeup.

"What do we wrap next?" He asks.

"I'll wrap the chocolate, bear and vouchers, you wrap the choker, jacket and hair bows" I ordered. He nodded and we began wrapping.

Light's POV

I couldn't help but stop and stare at Lolli every now and then. She's very beautiful, and I'm glad I came to her today.

"Hey Light, we've done, you can stop staring now" the girl waved her hands Infront of to face.

"Oh, sorry...." I rubbed the nape of my neck and I could feel me face burning up.

"Put everything in this gift back, then meet her somewhere and give her the gifts, by what you said before, I can tell she will go head over heels for you. She chuckled.

She walked me to the front door of the apartment.

"Hey Lolli?" I wanted to ask her a question.

"Still don't know my name?" She giggled.

"Uh no, can you tell me your name?" I asked nervously.

"Konami" she told me.

"Okay, well thanks for today, Konami" I hugged her quickly and swiftly mover out to the elevator.

What did I just do?

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