Chapter 28

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(F/F) is favourite flavour!

Your POV

I knock on Roger's office door and I open it up.

"Ah, hello (F/N), L! She is here" roger calls.

L looks up from his laptop and closes it almost instantly. He stands up as walks over to me. He takes my hands in his and looks me in the eyes and says the most unexpected thing...

"(F/N), tomorrow I would like to take you on a date" He said simply.

What? The famous L Lawliet wants to take me on a date? Why? We aren't that close are we? I do have slight feelings for him I suppose.... Why not give it a shot?

"Yeah....okay" I smile.

L returns the smile and kisses my knuckle.

"great, I will come by your room tomorrow at 1:00pm, is that okay?"

"Of course" I smile and hugged him quickly before going to my room. I sat on my bed and smiled at my hands.

A date with the famous L. I never thought this would happen....

~the next day and 1:00pm~

Of course I wasn't going to wear anything special with my date with L, because I know that there is at least a 90% chance that he won't be making much of an effort either, he ways wears the same clothing.

I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, my black boots and an oversized (F/C) shirt with long sleeves. As usual.

I couldn't help but feel nervous. Why? I don't know.

I shoved 5 lollipops in my pocket and plugged my earphones into my phone. I'm going to need music and sweets to survive!

Knock knock

I opens the door to see L wearing exactly what I assumed. His usual blue, baggy pants and white shirt.

"Good evening L" I smiled.

"Good evening to you too X" L greeted.

"Where are we going today then?" I asked, trying to start convocation.

"Nowhere to extreme, a sweet shop maybe, the park and maybe another additional place, but that is it" L put a thumb to his lips. He opened the car door for me and I thanked him and entered.

"So, what caused you to ask me on a date?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, I developed feelings for you obviously. However, I took a risk, there was roughly a 20% chance that you'd date me. In fact, it was originally a 10% chance, but it increased by another 10% Because I knew that my observation would be correct" L explained.

"High expectations I see" Saying what I said, I instantly remembered that I said the same thing when we raced at Johnny's.

"Obviously. I should have high expectations of myself if I'm the worlds greatest detective"

"Be aware, L. I'm not far behind you!" I joked.

The car stopped.

"Come on, X, the sweet shop is first, choose whatever you like, I will Pay" L helped me out of the car.

"Thank you" I smiled and we happily entered the sweet shop.

"What do you want?" L asked me kindly.

"Hmmmm, a lollipop obviously" I smile and grab a (F/F) lollipop.

"Of course" L grabs a strawberry flavoured lollipop for him and he pays for it at the counter.

"I feel horrible because you payed" I pouted as we entered the car once again.

"Get use to it..." L paused as if hesitating before adding: "princess".

"Princess?" I asked with a humoured expression.

"Do you not like it?"

"I do it's just I never would of expected that coming from you" I chuckled.

~time skip to the park!~

We reached the park and it was the same one from years ago....

"How did you know that I like this park?" I asked in amazement.

"Near told me that you have always loved cherry blossom trees. And Mello and Matt told me that you loved this park in comparison to others. Also, I spotted you admiring cherry blossom trees back in Japan" L admitted.

"Thank you" I hugged him and we began walking through the park.

The trees were gorgeous. As usual, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful petals fall delicately to the ground. I found it truly amazing for the most peculiar reason. It makes me happy, but saddens me also, it's something that fills me with hope and love, but sometimes, it makes me sad and hopeless. But that's a reason that I like cherry blossom trees, they can bring out the worst and great in me, and it makes me open my eyes.


"Come on (F/N) dear, I want to show you something special" a woman with (H/C) hair encouraged me. She was holding my small right hand, and a man was holding my left hand.

"Okay mummy!" I giggled and skipped happily along the park pavement.

"Let's play hide and seek! We will hide first!" The woman said.

I nodded and covered my eyes with my hands and counted to 20.

"20!" I screamed excitedly and I searched for the two adults. After hours of searching, I never found them.

"Mummy? D-daddy?" I sobbed and sat under a cherry blossom tree.

~end of flashback~

"(F/N)? Are you okay? You paused for a moment! I'm guessing it was another flashback?"

I nodded and my eyes filled with tears.

"My parents left me here, in this park, alone, I was a child!" I couldn't help it but I burst out into tears. I sobbed Into my hands.

I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me and pull me into a comforting embrace. I looked up and saw L looked down at me, he kept an arm wrapped around me as he used the other to gently wipe away my tears. He kissed my forehead and began speaking.

"well, they have made a great mistake in doing that. They may have left that little girl behind, but that made you the gorgeous, (F/N) (L/N) you are today. And you know what?"


"That makes you my princess" he whispered to me and he kissed me gently.

And that made me feel better.

Knowing that I am his princess

And that he is my prince

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