Chapter 25

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Your POV

"So, X, what's life been like since you left to japan?" Near asked, trying to start convocation as we worked together to complete the puzzle.

"Living hell, the first 5 were fine, until I turned 16, that when I murdered everyone, and I went to the asylum." I said, placing a jigsaw piece in place.

"how did you get out?"

"L came, he thought I could help him with the Kira case, however, I have already solved it"

"So your still insane?"

"Slightly" I did my signature evil laugh.

"So why hasn't L completed the Kira case if you are helping him"

"Note: I am helping him, not doing it for him. I will leave hints here and there but I'm not just gonna give answers away like that" I put another piece in place "well, how has your life been?" I asked curiously.

"Boring. Mainly I'm just sat in my room playing with toys and doing puzzles. On occasions I like to solve bits of the Kira case myself" Near placed the jigsaw piece down.

"Despite my amnesia, I remember you being quite a fun kid. I remember when me, you and...Mello I think it was, went to a park full of cherry blossom trees. We were trying to get to Watari intime" I smiled at the short memory.

"You remember that?"

"Yeah, I kind of take a liking to cherry blossom trees. The flowers on them smell so delightful. And even though I hate the flowers dying, I love it when the petals from the flowers fall from the trees, I think it's beautiful" I giggled.

"Even now, after 15 years, you still love cherry blossom trees....That park we went to was your favourite park because of the trees" Near did a tiny smile.

"I can see why, it was gorgeous"

Knock knock.

"Come in" Near said nonchalantly.

"X, it's time for you to see Mello and Matt" it was L.

"Okay, it was nice seeing you again, Near" I smiled.

"I enjoyed meeting you again also, Konami"

~at Mello and Matt's room~

"Come in" I heard two male voices say in unison.

Me and L entered the room and saw a boy with brown hair and a black vest coat laying down on a bed biting a piece if chocolate. His name read Mihael Keehl.

And there on the floor, Infront of a TV with a controller in his hand. He had reddish/brown hair with tinted goggles. His name read Mail Jeevas.

"Oh hey L, haven't seen your for a while" Mihael said to L, keeping his eyes on the screen, watching Mail play a video game.

"Hey L" Matt didn't look away from the screen.

"This an inappropriate way to say hello to an old friend" L said.

"Sorry dude, it wasn't that long ago since we saw you" Mello chuckled.

"He's not talking about himself you dumbasses" I rolled my eyes.

They turned around and look at me, they looked me up and down.

"No way is that (F/N)" Matt gasped.

"What is she doing here? She left 12 years ago" Mello spat.

"Nice to see you too, Mello" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, it's defiantly her Mello, she knows your name, and she is still as sarcastic as ever" Matt chuckled and stood up.

"do you remember me?" Matt asked.


"I'm so gonna beat you at this game, Matt" I bit my lip as I concentrated on the screen.

"As if (L/N), I always win at this game" Matt took a quick sip of his drink.

At this point I was slamming my fingers on the buttons of the controller, this was so intense.

"ha! I WIN!" Matt cheered.

"No fair" I pouted.

"Don't worry, you beat me at other games, but this one isn't your specialty" Matt chuckled.

I just frowned more.

"Some day, (F/N), in the future when we are older, we will have a rematch at this game, and the loser buys the winner a cake" Matt smirked, knowing I love cake.

"Deal!" We shook hands.

~end of flashback~

"A bit" I smiled "how about that rematch?" I smirked.

"Of course" Matt chuckled.

"Hold on a sec" I walked over to Mello and sat by him on the bed.

"Hey dude" I sighed.

He just bit into his chocolate "what do you want?" He glared.

"I want to talk to you, I barely remember much about you but I know that we were great friends" I smiled weakly "I want to know you again, Mihael" with that said, Mello looked me in the eye.


"Come on, (F/N), you are taking forever!" Mello whined as he slouched into an uncomfortable postion.

"I need to choose the right one!" I called as I searched the aisle for the right chocolate.

"It's just chocolate! Hurry!" He whined again.

And then I found the perfect chocolate.

~time skip~

"Here Mello! Try some!" I handed out a chunk of the chocolate bar.

Mello took it into his hand and bit into it. I could tell instantly that he fell in love with that specific chocolate.

And ever since then, he has always had that chocolate in hand.

~end of flashback~

"I bet you don't even remember me" Mello sneered.

I looked at the chocolate in his hand and then at him.

"I remember when we were younger and you fell in love with that type of chocolate" I pointed to the chocolate bar "we bought it at the store together" I smiled "I remember going to the park with you with the cherry blossom trees and I remember when you were there for me in the hospital" I added.

Mello smiled slightly and unexpectedly hugged me. I giggle and hugged him back. And then, another unexpected move, Matt threw his controller and jumped on me and Mello, pulling us Into one big hug.

"Promise not to leave again" Mello said.

"I promise"

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