Chapter 3

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Your POV

Mr Yagami opened the front door to his house and kindly motioned me inside.

"Sayu? I have someone here to help with homework!" Mr Yagami called.

Silence, there was no answer. Mr Yagami sighed.

"She is probably in her room, I will take you to her now" he explained. I nodded and he lead me up the stairs.

He knocked on a door, which was most probably Sayu's.

No answer.

He knocked on another door and I heard shuffling and clicks of a lock. Then a brown-haired boy swung open the door.

"Hey dad, what's up?" He said cheerfully.

"Where is Sayu? I have someone to help her with homework"

I was oblivious to the rest of the conversation, I was to busy focusing on a familiar Death God who was munching on a ruby red apple in the boy's room.

What was Ryuk doing here?

"I'm going to pick up Sayu and Sachiko, please stay here with light, okay?" He questioned.

I simply nodded and Mr yagami left the house, leaving me and Light alone.

"You can come in if you like, I don't bite" he joked.

I nodded and entered his room. I sat on the edge of the bed as me and Ryuk gave each other questioning looks.

"Are you okay? You haven't spoke a word and you seem to be dazing off" light asked as He sat beside me in the bed.

I need to write on some paper that I don't speak often....

I nodded and stood up and went to his desk. I noticed that his body seemed to have froze and tensed up when I went towards his desk. He was watching my every movement. I kept an eye on him as I moved my (S/T) hand towards the top drawer under his desk, he just smirked.

I tried to tug it open.

it was locked.

I sighed slightly and it was already obvious what this meant....

This meant that he had a death note. Why was it obvious? Well:

1, he didn't want me near his desk, which in most cases is where an ordinary person would keep a notebook.
2, he had a shinigami in his room, and I know that Ryuk wouldn't come down from the shinigami realm for nothing.
3, he locked the drawer, which shows he is hiding something.

I smirked at him also. He raised an eyebrow at me and watched my next move.

"Light Yagami, You have a death note" I said to him, and as usual, I did my signature insane giggle after my sentence.

He just stared at me with wide eyes and I could hear Ryuk chuckling whilst chomping on another apple.

"That's stupid! Why would you think that?" Light said, trying to convince me that he doesn't have a death note.

"Why is your drawer locked?" I smirked evilly.

"My diary is in there!"

"Why is there a shinigami in your room?" I asked as I stuck my hands into my pockets.

"W-what's a shinigami?" He stuttered.

"Okay then, answer this, if there isn't a shinigami in here, and you don't know what one is, then why is the a floating apple core in your room?" I did a creepy giggle and pointed towards Ryuk who was tossing the apple core into his mouth.

Light sighed and looked down. He then looked up at me with a complete change of attitude in his eyes.

"It's because.... I am Kira" he smirked.

I looked at him with an unamused face.

"No shit Sherlock" I mocked and pulled a cherry lollipop into my mouth from my pocket.

He clearly wasn't impressed with my reaction to his 'big reveal'.....

Light's POV

"No shit Sherlock" the girl mocked with an evil giggle as she stuck a red lollipop into her mouth.

"Could you get any creepier? You know what a death note is, you can see shinigami and you do weird giggles after every sentence! Were you in a mental asylum or something?!" I screamed at her.

"Actually yes I was, for 6 years, how nice of you to notice" she chuckled strangely "and you know what a shinigami and death note is too, as I have already proven"

I growled and took out my death note from the drawer. She just giggled and gave me a creepy smile.

"Go ahead write my name" she tilted her head to the side like a broken doll.

Then it hit me.

I don't know her name.

Your POV

"You seem confused, since I have asked you so many questions, I will answer your questions, but only three" I said to Light.

He paused to think.

"How do you know what a death note is?"

"Ryuk told me, duh"

"Why were you with my father?"

"He wanted me To help Sayu with homework"

"How can you see Shinigami?"

"Well" I smirked at the brown haired boy "that is because.... I have shinigami eyes"

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