Chapter 53

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Your POV

"So where is this 'not boring' place you plan on taking me?" I asked L as he wrapped a blindfold over my eyes.

"It's a surprise" L said in my ear.

"Can you dive with a shot leg?" I asked cautiously.

"yes. It is a lot better now, I assure you" L chuckled as he carefully lead me out of the house.

"If anything goes wrong I swear to god-"

"Nothing will go wrong. I planned everything so it is at least 89% safe"

"That's comforting" I grumbled as L helped me into the car.

"Infact, let's make that 95%" L changed his answer. I could hear L start the engine.

"And why has that improved?" I sighed.

"Because I can trust you to defend yourself" L stated.

"That's a fair point I suppose" I said jokingly.

"I'm serious. Anyway, can you guess where we are going?" L asked. I could tell he was smiling.

"Don't take me to a different country again...." I mumbled.

"I'm not. I promise" L chuckled.

"Umm... Are we going anywhere food related?"





"shh" L hushed me. "It doesn't matter where we are going. Just because you managed to figure out the category place that we are going to doesn't prove anything" L said.

"It kinda does" I laughed.

"We aren't going there anymore." I could tell he was pouting.

"Where were we going to go?"

"I was going to take you to this ice-cream place were you decorate and make your own ice cream. But not anymore"

"How would there be a 89%-95% of me getting hurt at an ice cream place?" I laughed.

"Things happen" L shrugged.

"That sounds boring anyway" I teased.

"Of course it does" L sighed and stopped the car. He then helped me out and held my hand.

"Are you ready?" L asked.

"Sure" I shrugged.

L took of my blindfold and we were in front of a toy store.

"L are you serious?" I held in a chuckle.

"Yes" L said casually. He grabbed my hand again and led me into the toy shop.

He dragged me down different toy aisles.

"SLOW DOWN" I groaned.

"Here" L pointed forward.

I looked to where he was pointing. It was an aisle full of nerf guns.

"...." I just stared.

"choose 3" L said as he began choosing his selection.

"YES!" I squealed and picked up 3 different nerf guns.

Me and L agreed to get 3 each, however, we would have the same nerf guns. For a fair nerf battle.

We got 2 Nerf-N strike elite centurion blasters, 2 Nerf-N strike elite splits And 2 Nerf-N strike elite strongarm blasters. Not to forget, we also bought lots of nerf bullets.

We went up to the counter to buy them.

"Hello" the woman at the counter said friendly.

"Hey" me and L said in unison.

"Aww. Are these for your kids?" The lady asked.

"Uh-No! No! It's just for us!" I blushed "we don't have any children!" I covered my face.

"Oh" the woman chuckled.

We paid for our nerf guns and went into the car.

"hehe, you should've seen your face" L laughed a bit.

I just pouted and growled. "Let's just get going" I mumbled.

"Your blushing!" L teased me.

"Shut up!" I shoved my face into my hands.

"Admit it (F/N). You know you want this body" L smirked.

I looked at him, "Ha! In your fucking dreams!"

"I don't sleep, therefore I cannot have dreams"

"Smartass" I muttered.

"I know" L began driving to another random 'surprise' place.

After a while of driving, I questioned L.

"Can I choose a song?" I asked.

"Sure" L smiled.

I took out a certain CD and began playing Falloutboy-I don't care.

"I don't care what you think as long as it's about me! The best of us can find happiness in misery!" I sang.

"Hehe. You and your music" L chuckled.

"Oh take a chance, let your body get a tolerance! I'm not a chance, put a heat wave in your pants!" I sang more.

"You do give me a heatwave in my pants" L winked.


L laughed. "We're here" L, being gentleman he is, helped me out of the car.

"A field? Wow! That's really exciting!" I said sarcastically.

"We are going to have a nerf war on this field" L explained.

"Makes sense I suppose. PEWPEW!" I shot him with one of my nerf guns and began running away from him.

"did you just pew me?" L shouted at me.

"PEW!" I shot him again.

L aimed at me and missed a shot at me.

"HA! you have a shitty aim!" I laughed as I began climbing a tree.

"I may have a 'shitty' aim but I can use my intelligence against you" L pointed out.

"As if! Dumbass!"

"You were calling me smartass not long ago" L added.

I just face-palmed and hid myself within the tree. I had to conceal a laugh as I watched L walk mindlessly around the field, trying to find me.

"PEW!" I shot him again.

"ARGH" L laughed.

I giggled and L spotted my hiding place.

"Hiding are we?" L aimed his nerf gun at me.

"Nope. I'm simply protecting myself" I smirked.

"How can you protect yourself in a tree?" L rolled his eyes.

"Well~" I walked along the tree branch. "I know that you would never shoot me if I was about to jump from the tree" I smirked.

"You wouldn't"

"I would"

"Prove it"

I calmly fell forward and off the tree. Before I knew it, I was picked up by L instead of hitting the floor.

"You idiot" L scolded.

"Heh. There was a 19% chance there that you wouldn't catch me" I stated.

"Well you're lucky that I did then aren't you?" L said rhetorically.

"Yep" I smiled.

L was still holding me bridal-style. "I will always be there to catch you when you fall. That's a promise" L said in my ear as he kissed my cheek tenderly.

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