Chapter 17

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Your POV

"X, would you do the honours?" L asked as we sat in a room with the other members of the task force.

I nodded and cleared my throat.

"If the police said yes, and agreed to co-operate with Kira, tape number 3 was suppose to be played, and tape 4 if the answer was no" I spoke.

"Tape three covers the terms and co-operation, but simply he's requesting that we broadcast the names of more criminals. He seems particularly interested those who have assaulted others or those who have somehow heard or taken advantage of the weak and defenceless. Of course, Kira would play the role of judge in all of this..." L added.

"Furthermore, as proof that the police are willing to cooperate, he wants police officials and L to appear on TV, to make a public announcement that we plan to cooperate with him" I finished.

"He needs us to reveal our faces" me and L said in sync.

"That way Kira can kill us if the police do anything suspicious"

~time skip~

"-we should think of him more as a second kira" L said.


"How did you come to that conclusion?" Aizawa questioned.

"I looked at the victims he used for his predictions on tape number 1, there purpose was to prove to Sakura TV staff that he is Kira. Both their names....." L carried on talking and all I could do was think of how he copied my prediction.

He's a dick...

"Excuse me, I will be in my room" I sighed and stood up.

"Awww, how come, Konami?" Matsuda asked.

"I'm bored. Besides..." I glared at L "I've already solve half of the Kira case" I stood up and marched to my room.

I flopped onto the bed.

Hah! Worlds greatest detective?! That's a slight bit exaggerated....

Phone, Check.
Laptop, Check.
Earphones, Check.
Sweets, Check.
Fizzy Drinks, Check.
Lights off, Check.

As usual, I sat on my bed in my usual postion, slouched and cross-legged. My laptop is infront of me, my earphones plugged into my phone playing (F/B). I also had a fizzy drinks on my bedside table, and sweets beside my laptop.

I played my music on full blast and opened up the document I have been working on....

Document file- Kira case.

I began writing more, focusing with a lemon and lime flavoured lollipop in my mouth.

I can solve this case without L. I already solved 50% of it before I even had to know anything! And I told him that there was a second Kira!

I checked the time and decided to sop after a while... I should probably go back to the living room with the others...

Hey is that light.

"Good evening" I said nonchalantly as I walked into the living-room.

"Hey Konami is back!" Matsuda pointed.

"I was only in my room, no need to stress" I chuckled.

L held a finger up to his lips as if to signal me to be quiet.

L walked over to light.

"So, what do you make of this light? Have you come to any conclusions?" L asked Light with a thumb pressed up against his lips.

L gripped the arm of his chair, quite ferociously may I add. And he then stood up.

"It's hard to say for sure but there might be another Person out there with kira's power" Light said.

Hah. Yeah. He's Kira.

"With kira's power?!" Soichiro asked shockingly "but what do you mean by that light?"

"At the very least I'd say this tape was not created by the Kira we're familiar with. It's extremely out of character for him to use these kinds of victims for his killings, and since we've established that he needs a face and name to kill, it makes you wonder how he was able to kill that detective and those two officers right outside the television station like that"


"I-it's the same!" Aizawa gasped.

"That's almost exactly how L-ryuzaki said it!" Matsuda commented.

He only knows this because he is Kira.

"I think you're exactly right about that! We also believe this is the work of a second Kira" L added.

"So you knew about this all along Ryuga? Sorry-ryuzaki! Which means this was just another one of your tests?" Light crossed his arms.

"It wasn't my intention to test you. The truth is if I was the only one who thought there was a second Kira it wouldn't be convincing. But the fact that we both came to the same conclusion makes the theory that much more believable. As expected you did not disappoint us. You've been a great help..." L paused, "It's decided then. First we must focus on stopping this copycat, from what we've seen he sympathises with the real Kira but clearly lacks his sophistication. I think he might even be willing to obey the original-"

I didn't listen, once again I left the room back into my room.

"RYUZAKI YOU SON OF A B***H" I screamed whilst shoving my face into a pillow.

I don't even know what I'm trying to do anymore....

I've tried to prove the in worthy but I'm just a....worthless piece of shit....

"Konami! Check this out!" Matsuda called.

I sighed and walked into the room where everyone was.

"The second Kira responded! Look!" Matsuda pointed to the laptop.

"I really want to meet you. I don't think you have the eyes" the voice said.

Light looked shocked and I couldn't help myself on what I was about To do next....

It started if with a slight giggle, but it soon escalated to a terrifying, loud, cackle. Everyone looked at me in shock as a laughed at this.

"I-I'm scared..." Matsuda muttered.

Light just smirked at me.

Light's POV

That is who I want to create a knew world with.....

Your POV

"Sorry carry on" I did my signature crazy smile.

Everyone hesitantly nodded and L un-paused the video.

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