Chapter 10

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Your POV

"Hey Lawliet, I might go and see Light today, I wanna see how the plan with his admirer worked" I giggled insanely and entered L's office.

"I have bad news....." L turned around to face me in his office chair.

"What is it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The person who I suspected as Kira hasn't done anything suspicious when we looked at the surveillance cameras.... So that has proved me wrong, I plan on meeting him today at his school in the exams. I would like you to come with me" L explained.

"what school is it?" I asked.

"Gamou Prep Academy"

"That's on of my-"

"Old schools, I know" L muttered.

"Stalker......" I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that" he mumbled.

I glared slightly and rolled my eyes.

"I don't even have any-"

"I have sensible clothing for you right here" he held up a paper bag, "it has a whole outfit in it and It should fit you perfectly" L mumbled as he nibbled on his thumb.

"That just proves my point, you stalker" I teased and grabbed the bag from him. I walked back into my bedroom and slipped on the clothing.

I looked into the mirror and glared at the identical image of me. Well, to be honest, the outfit wasn't that Bad.

I was wearing black and white converse, black jeans, a simple, (F/C) shirt and a black, double breasted blazer which white buttons. You applied some lip balm and left your hair down natural.

Huh, he was right. It does fit perfectly.

I exited my room back to Lawliet. And there, he was staring at me, looking me up and down.

"You look simply lovely, (F/N), now let's go, we have exams to do and a Kira to catch.

I rolled my eyes playfully and we made out way to the school.

~time skip~

"I use to hate this school..." I spat. Me and L walked side by side into the school gates.

"What if someone recognises me? Like the teachers?" I worry out loud.

"You have a different alias here, light may notice, but we will simply tell him that Konami is your nickname" L said, "also, the teachers probably know that you aren't suppose to be out for another few years" L comforted.

"Okay, I guess..." I sighed.

"By the way, your new alias is Mitsu Hoshimi, mine is Hideki Ryuga" L explained to me. I nodded in response.

Me and L walked into the 'new' school and bumped into a certain someone.

"Hey Konami! Why are you here?" Light asked.

"Um, I'm here for the exams....  There is someone I want you to meet!" I turned around to where L should be. "W-where did he go?" I stuttered.

"Do you want help getting around?" Light asked.

"Sure...." I hesitantly agreed "I just want to call my friend, I think you deserve to meet him" I took out my phone and called the fake contact L gave me, just in case I get lost or something happens.

The phone rang only for a short amount of time before he picked up.

"Hey Ryuga where are you? You completely disappeared!" I said to L over the phone as I turned a corridor with light.

"I'm in the exam room, I'm not suppose to have my phone out right now so I will see you there" L then hung up.

"Ryuga? As in Hideki Ryuga? I heard that he is new-" I cut light off.

"He is with me for the exams, we won't be here long" I explained. Light just nodded and we arrived at our first class.

And there I saw L, sat at the back of the class in his odd position, sat with a few other people with the exam booklets ready infront of them.

"There he is" I whispered and pointed and waved at him.

I sat in my seat, with my stationary laid out infront if me and my exam booklet closed, waiting I be opened.

After while if waiting, everyone was in the chairs, waiting for the signal to start.

"AND BEGIN" the teacher said firmly, and the silent room was filled with the sounds of tussling papers and pens being used.

"You there! Student number 162, sit properly in your chair!" The teacher scolded a certain man.

You turned around and saw L being told what to do by the teacher. You chuckled silently to yourself. Typical L.....

~time skip~

You collapsed on the sofa.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted" I shoved my face into a pillow.

"It will be Graduation time soon, I'm planning on telling Light that I am L, to see his reaction of course, we will also tell him that you are X. That is your letter alias" L explained.

I nodded in understanding and sighed.

It's weird how fast this has changed.

I was once and innocent girl.

But when I was 16 I became a killer.

I became insane.

I entered the asylum.

But years later I was released because of a raven haired man who goes by the name of L.

He believed that I could help him with the Kira case.

And now here I am.

I'm known as one of the worlds worst criminals.

I am Konami.

I am Mitsu Hoshimi.

I am X.

But I am (F/N) (L/N).

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