Chapter 13

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Your POV

Light and L have been at it for a while. L and Light were going back and forth, hitting the ball to each other.

I'm surprised L has this much energy....

"Are these two really armatures? Who are they anyway?" I overheard someone as the two competitors his the ball to each other back and forth.

"I think their names are Light Yagami and Hideki Ryuga, these are the same two who scored perfect on the exam" the mans friend said.

"Oh yeah, and that hot chick scored perfect too, hey, she is there right now!" I heard them talk about me and point at me.

I was to focused on L, he was so concentrated. I watched him hit the ball over to light. I then watched light hit it back over to the detective. Everyone was cheering and crowding around the two. Once again, L hit it back to light.

I saw the determination in light's eyes. He hit the ball powerfully and L....missed?

"That's four games all! Light Yagami to serve!" The coach called.

Suddenly, everyone's heads turned to a man who was running down the steps and panting.


"You won't believe this! I thought I'd heard the name light Yagami before so I checked! He was the O2O3 junior high tennis champion! Apparently during the 3rd year awards ceremony, he announced that he was hanging up his racket and he hasn't played competitively since!"

The group of people stayed quiet until this girl with Hirt her and glasses spoke up.

"Hey hey! What about my Ryuga! Don't tell me you haven't noticed him holding his own against this former junior high champ!"
She clasped her hands together.

L hit the ball with his racket.

Light hit it back.

L stopped and skidded and hit the ball again.

Light hit it back.

L hit it back.

Light hit it back.

L hit it back.

Lift hit the ball. It bounced under L has the detective leaped In the air to hit the ball.

L missed it again.

"Game and set won by Light Yagami! 6 games to 4!" The coach shouted. Everyone cheered and clapped and clapped.

"Well done light!" I patted his shoulder as he collapsed on the bench.

"Thanks" light panted.

"We done to you too L! You did great!" I hugged the detective and I swear I saw a hint if jealously in his eyes.

Light's POV

"Oh, light, I forgot to ask, how did the present with your admirer work out?" Mitsu smirked.

Damnit! She can't know that I don't have an admirer! I just used that time to get to know Mitsu better!

"It went great thanks! I appreciate the help" I smiled at her.

"No worries" she returned the smile.

~short time skip~

The three of us walked calmly I between the cherry blossom trees. The two men were talking and all I could focus on was how beautiful the petals were.

"Hey, Mitsu!" Light said.

"Huh? Yeah?" I snapped out of my daydream.

"Do you wanna come with me and L for a drink?" Light asked.

I agreed and went back to focusing on the beautiful, pale pink petals.

I suddenly got the same head pain from before...


"(F/N)! Come on!" A young boys voice said to me.

"I am! Hold on Mihael!" I giggled and followed the boy through the park full of cherry blossom trees.

"We need to get to watari! He's gonna tell us off we are late!" A white haired boy said as we all ran through the park.

"Hold on Nate! Mihael!" I giggled and carried on running with them.

~end of flashback~

"L....."I tapped his shoulder.

"Hmm? What is it Mitsu?"

"I had another flashback....can I tell you about it when we get home?" I muttered.

L nodded and I didn't even realise that we had stopped.

"You think that I am Kira?" Light asked.

"Well..." L dragged out the word.

"When he says we suspect you there is only A 1% possibility" I added.

L nodded and carried on talking whilst I went back into my own world.

Who where them boys? Do I know them? Who is Nate and Mihael? Who did they mean by Watari? Is it the same person who is with L?

Once again, I zoned out for a little bit to long, as now we were at the back of a coffee shop.

"Also, if we sit ere nobody should give any of you a hard time about the way you both sit" light said.

L was sat with his legs up to his chest with his thumb pressed against  his pale lips.
"I don't sit like this because I want to, I have to sit like this, you see, if I was to sit normally my deductive skills would immediately be reduced by roughly 40%" L explained.

I was sat with my legs crossed and was slouched.

"Same here, almost, If I sit any other way my intellectual state would decrease by 50%" I explained.

"Anyway, let's talk about anything, I really want to learn more about you, Hoshimi" light said.

"M-me? What about me?" I stuttered.

"Why did you move to Japan?" Light asked.

"apparently I came here because I was adopted when I was 10"

"Okay, how did you meet Ryuga?" Light asked.

I gave L a look telling him that he already knows about the asylum.

"L freed me from the asylum because there is a 70% chance that I can help him with the Kira case due to some abilities. I'm over the average intelligence and believe it or not, I am already 100% positive on who Kira is. Although, due to my insane mental state and my strange cravings, I'm currently simply here for the show, I want to see who wins, and who loses" I giggled evilly.

Light gulped and L chuckled.

"She's a delight isn't she?" L smiled at me slightly. I returned the smile and light was just confused.

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